trader_delivery_all (Trader API v1)
  • 26 Jun 2023
  • 7 Minutes to read
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trader_delivery_all (Trader API v1)

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Article summary


  • Data retention: 1 year and 1 month
  • Maximum selected date range: 1 year and 1 month


advertiser_idintAdvertiser Name
advertiser_namestringAdvertiser Name
app_bundle_idstringApp Bundle ID
app_bundle_namestringApp Bundle ID
bidder_idintBidder Name
bidder_namestringBidder Name
browser_idint(ex: Google Chrome, Samsung Internet)
browser_namestring(ex: Google Chrome, Samsung Internet)
browser_variant_idint(ex: Microsoft Internet Explorer 11)
browser_variant_namestring(ex: Microsoft Internet Explorer 11)
budget_goalintBudget Goal for Campaign
buyer_currencystringBuyer currency
buyer_idintBuyer identifier
buyer_namestringBuyer name
buyer_typestringBuyer type category
campaign_external_labelstringExternal Label set at the campaign level
campaign_idintCampaign Name
campaign_namestringCampaign Name
campaign_group_external_labelstringCampaign group external label
campaign_group_idintCampaign group identifier
campaign_group_namestringCampaign group name
campaign_statestringCampaign state
channel_typestringChannel Type
city_namestringCity Name
conv_conversion_group_idintConversion Group Name and ID
conv_conversion_group_namestringConversion Group Name and ID
conv_segment_idintConversion Segment Name
conv_segment_namestringConversion Segment Name
country_codestringCountry Name
country_namestringCountry Name
conversion_typestringconversion_type name
conversion_type_idintconversion type identifier
creative_group_idintCreative Group Name
creative_group_creation_datedateCreative Group Creation Date
creative_group_update_datedateCreative Group Update Date
creative_group_namestringCreative Group Name
creative_group_advertiser_idintCreative Group Advertiser Identifier
creative_group_buyer_idintCreative Group Buyer Identifier
creative_group_languagestringCreative Group Language
creative_group_creative_type_idintCreative Group Creative Type Identifier
creative_group_format_idintCreative Group Format Identifier
creative_group_external_labelstringCreative Group External Label
creative_group_statestringCreative Group State
creative_group_start_datedateCreative Group Start Date
creative_group_end_datedateCreative Group End Date
creative_external_labelstringExternal Label set at the creative level
creative_idintCreative Name
creative_namestringCreative Name
creative_sizestringCreative Format (ex: 300x250) or Video Player Size (ex: 1280x720)
creative_type_idintCreative Type (ex: Video)
creative_type_namestringCreative Type (ex: Video)
daystringDate in ISO format (ex: 2020-01-01)
day_of_weekstringDay name of the week (ex: Wednesday)
deal_idstringDirect Deal ID
deal_namestringDeal name
deal_typestringDeal Type
device_idint(ex: Tizen TV)
device_namestring(ex: Tizen TV)
device_type_idintex: Connected TV
device_type_namestringex: Connected TV
dma_codeintDesignated Market Area code, also known as Metro Code (only available for United States)
dma_namestringDesignated Market Area name (only available for United States)
exchange_idintExchange Name
exchange_namestringExchange Name
exchange_seller_idintExchange Seller Name
exchange_seller_namestringExchange Seller Name
exchange_seller_site_idintExchange seller site identifier
exchange_seller_site_namestringExchange seller site name
flight_external_labelstringExternal Label set at the flight level
flight_idintFlight Name
flight_namestringFlight Name
flight_statestringFlight state
formatstringCreative Format (ex: 300x250, Video)
hourstringDate and hour in ISO format (ex: 2020-01-01-10)
hour_of_daystringHour of the day, in 24h format (ex: 10)
iab_namestringIAB Category human readable name.
impression_goalintImpression Goal for Campaign
inventory_namestringInventory ID exposes URLs and App Bundles depending on the Inventory Type.
inventory_type_namestringex: App
io_external_idintInsertion order external id
io_namestringOrder as defined in Operative One
language_idint(ex: EN, FR)
language_namestring(ex: EN, FR)
li_external_idintLine item external id
li_namestringName of the line item as defined in Operative One.
li_end_datedateEnd date of the line item as defined in Operative One.
li_impressions_bookedintNumber of impressions booked (objective) for the line item as defined in Operative One.
li_productstringType of inventory being targeted by this line item. e.g. CTV, Online Video, Display, First Screen, etc. Defined in Operative One.
li_start_datedateStart date of the line item as defined in Operative One.
monthstringYear and month of event in the following format: YYYY-MM
account_exec_idintAccount executive associated with the order as defined in Operative One.
account_exec_namestringAccount executive associated with the order as defined in Operative One.
budgetfloatBudget expected to be delivered as part of the contract. Defined in Operative One.
csm_idintCSM associated with the order as defined in Operative One.
csm_namestringCSM associated with the order as defined in Operative One.
ratefloatSpend based on predefined contract rate. This is the amount billed to clients. Defined in Operative One.
rate_typestringType of payment rate used in the contract. Can be either a flat rate (predefined fees) or CPM (based on the number or impressions times a predefined CPM). Defined in Operative One.
third_party_delivery_vendorstring3rd Party adserver used by the client to track impressions and clicks.
operating_system_idintOperating System (ex: Tizen, Microsoft Windows)
operating_system_namestringOperating System (ex: Tizen, Microsoft Windows)
operating_system_variant_idintex: Microsoft Windows 10
operating_system_variant_namestringex: Microsoft Windows 10
position_idintAbove the fold, Below the fold or Unknown
position_namestringAbove the fold, Below the fold or Unknown
postal_codestringPostal Code
ppg_priorityintPriority Group (Number) of the flight in a Shared (Prioritized Impressions) campaign
region_codestringState, Province or Region Name
region_namestringState, Province or Region Name
start_delayintPre-Roll, Mid-Roll, Post-Roll or Unknown
stv_chipsetstringThe chipset of the TV
stv_tile_idintSamsung Smart TV Tile Ad Name
stv_tile_namestringSamsung Smart TV Tile Ad Name
stv_yearintSamsung Smart TV Year-Model only
url_domainstringSite Domain URL
li_delivery_start_datedateImpressions delivery start date
strategy_idintBid machine learning info - strategy id
model_namestringBid machine learning info - model name
enhanced_inventory_namestringApp name. Available for “app” inventory type.
iab_categorystringApp or streaming channel’s IAB Category. Available for “app” inventory type.
iab_namestringIAB Category human readable name.
nielsen_genre_codestringApp or streaming channel’s Nielsen Genre Code. Available for “app” inventory type.
streaming_channelstringTV channel within the Samsung TV Plus app.
inventory_countrystringCountry associated with a given app. Available for “app” inventory type.


adserving_feefloatAd serving fees will only appear in Samsung DSP reports if the campaign is serving enhanced display creatives or video creatives. All standard creatives and creatives served via third party ad tags will not have any ad serving fees aggregated in the report. If the campaign is serving enhanced and video creatives, the ad serving fees will be added to Samsung DSP buyer spend to make sure budget pacing includes ad serving and the campaign does not overspend.
advertiser_cpafloatCost per acquisition/conversion for this advertiser - advertiser spend / Conv. view Through.
advertiser_cpcfloatCost per click for this advertiser
advertiser_cpmfloatCost per mille (thousand impressions) for this advertiser
advertiser_postclick_cpafloatCost per post-click acquisition/conversion for this advertiser. per post-click acquisition = Conv. Click Through.
advertiser_spendfloatThe advertiser spend report reflects the marked up price of the flight for the advertiser. (the active margin field, in the margin section of the strategy portion of the flight form)
average_view_ratefloatAverage progress for Video creatives that shows on average how far the video creative is allowed to play before being closed/stopped. This is based on the exact percentage, not the percentiles.
billable_impressionsfloatImpressions for billing
billable_revenuefloatRevenue calculated for billing
buyer_cpafloatCost per acquisition/conversion for this buyer - acquisition and conversion are the same thing.
buyer_cpcfloatCost per click for this buyer
buyer_cpcvfloatCost per completed views for this buyer (spend/how many people actually watch the whole creative).
buyer_cpmfloatCost per mille (thousand impressions) for this buyer
buyer_margin_percentfloatbuyer spend / advertiser spend
buyer_postclick_cpafloatPost-click cost per action for this buyer. This is calculated as [buyer_spend / conversion_postclick]
buyer_spendfloatBuyer spend includes the media spend plus all the fees which are incurred by the campaigns. The buyer spend is a sum of the media fees plus the data fees, ad serving fees and Samsung DSP fees. The buyer spend reflects your actual cost of a campaign to the agency.
clicksintA click event is counted when a user clicks on the ad/creative.
clicks_droppedintClicks dropped
completion_ratefloatVideo Completed / Video Started
conv_causedintNumber of times a conversion event was triggered and can be attributed to a valid impression or click event for this campaign/flight/creative.
conv_caused_ctrfloatPercentage of Conv. Click Through / Clicks
conv_caused_vtrfloatPercentage of Conv. View Through / Impressions
conv_postclickintConversion Click Through (attributed to a click) - this is a count of conversions attributed to a click.
conv_postclick_revenuefloatConversion revenue Click-Through Rate - this is the click through rate for post click conversion, i.e. when the ad has been clicked and the viewer has converted (e.g. made a purchase, signup etc.)
conv_postviewintConversion View Through (attributed to an impression) - this is a count of conversions attributed to an impression.
conv_postview_revenuefloatConversion revenue View-Through Rate - Revenue from post view conversions.
conv_revenuefloatThis is the Revenue from a conversion. - how much revenue we track when there is a conversion, i.e. when the viewer completes a purchase of whatever is being advertised.
conv_srrfloatBuyer Spend / Conversion Revenue
ctrfloatClick Through Rate – this is the number of Clicks events over the number of overall Impressions expressed as a percentage.
data_feefloatData fees are a sum of all the data which are being used by the campaigns. They will include MOAT Viewability tracking, any and all IAS brand safety, viewability filtering, suspicious activity filtering and context attributes and any Lotame audiences which are being leveraged by the campaigns.
impressionsintAn Impression is counted when the ad is initially loaded. In the case of video ads, it is not necessary for the video creative to play for an impression to be counted.
impressions_droppedintImpressions dropped
impressions_measurableintThis is a measure of the number of impressions that can be tracked by MOAT. This includes both viewable and non-viewable impressions. Some impressions may not be tracked if MOAT isn’t tracking the impression source, application or website where those impressions may occur.
impressions_measurable_percentfloatThis is the percentage of trackable impressions (by MOAT) over the total impressions.
impressions_viewableintThis is the number of impressions that are rendered, such that they can be viewed by a user. This data is provided by MOAT.
impressions_viewable_percentfloatThis is the number of viewable impressions over the measurable impressions as determined by MOAT. This value is expressed as a percentage.
media_cpafloatCost per acquisition/conversion for this media
media_cpcfloatCost per click for this media
media_cpcvfloatCost per completed views for this media
media_cpmfloatMedia CPM: Cost per mille (thousand impressions) for this media
media_postclick_cpafloatCost per post-click acquisition/conversion for this media. media_spend / conv_postclick
media_spendfloatThe raw cost of the media without the data, ad serving and Samsung DSP fees included.
tile_impressionsintImpressions of the Preview Tile
tile_video_completeintTile Video Completed
tile_video_first_quartileintAuto Play Video viewed at 25% before being skipped or exited. Also known as Auto Play Video First Quartiles
tile_video_fullscreenintAuto Play Video being viewed in fullscreen mode
tile_video_midpointintAuto Play Video viewed at 50% before being skipped or exited. Also known as Auto Play Video Mid Point
tile_video_startintAuto Play Video Started
tile_video_third_quartileintAuto Play Video viewed at 75% before being skipped or exited. Also known as Auto Play Video Third Quartiles
trader_feefloatSamsung DSP fees are simply the platform usage fees outlined in your contract.
unique_browsers_approxintApproximate unique browsers
video_clickintVideo Click
video_completeintVideo viewed completely - number of times the video was viewed to the end.
video_complete_droppedintAuto Play Video completely viewed
video_errorsintVideo Errors
video_first_quartileintVideo viewed at 25% before being skipped or exited. Also known as Video First Quartiles
video_first_quartile_droppedintVideo viewed at 25% before being skipped or exited. Also known as Video First Quartiles
video_fullscreenintVideo being viewed in fullscreen mode
video_fullscreen_droppedintVideo being viewed in fullscreen mode
video_midpointintVideo viewed at 50% before being skipped or exited. Also known as Video Mid Point
video_muteintVideo being Muted - number of impressions
video_pauseintVideo being Paused - number of impressions where the video was paused.
video_replayintVideo Replay
video_resumeintVideo being Resumed - number of impressions where the video was paused and then resumed afterward.
video_skipintVideo that was skipped
video_startintVideo Started
video_third_quartileintVideo viewed at 75% before being skipped or exited. Also known as Video Third Quartiles
video_unmuteintVideo being Unmuted
li_impressions_pctfloatPercentage of impressions compared to the number of impressions booked
li_time_elapsed_pctfloatPercentage of time elapsed for a given line item
li_pacingfloatline_item_impressions_pct / line_item_time_elapsed
vtrfloatView through rate (video_complete / impressions)
budget_deliveredfloatBudget delivered
unique_browsers_approx_cumulintCumulative approximate unique browsers
video_third_quartile_droppedintVideo viewed at 75% before being skipped or exited. Also known as Video Third Quartiles
video_pause_droppedintVideo being Paused
video_resume_droppedintVideo being Resumed
video_midpoint_droppedintVideo viewed at 50% before being skipped or exited. Also known as Video Mid Point
video_mute_droppedintVideo being Muted
video_skip_droppedintVideo that was skipped
video_start_droppedintVideo Started
video_unmute_droppedintVideo being Unmuted
conv_mmp_postviewintMMP Conversion View Through
conv_mmp_postclickintMMP Conversion Click Through
conv_mmp_droppedintMMP Conversions Dropped
billable_impressionsfloatImpressions for billing
billable_revenuefloatRevenue calculated for billing
conversion_type_installintSum of installs post click and post views
conversion_type_install_ctintNumber of installs post click
conversion_rate_attributionintNumber of installs / Clicks
conversion_rate_attribution_ctintNumber of install post clicks / clicks
ecpcintMedia spends / clicks
ecpiintMedia spends / installs
ecpi_ctintmedia spends / installs post clicks
i2iintnumber of installs / impressions
i2i_ctintnumber of installs post clicks / impressions
ecpmintmedia spends / impressions

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