Conversion Group
  • 03 Jun 2024
  • 9 Minutes to read
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Conversion Group

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Article summary

A Conversion refers to any action that a viewer takes after being influenced by your advertisement. This can include clicking for more information, subscribing to a newsletter, making a purchase, and more.

The Conversion Group feature allows you to specify how Samsung DSP should interpret viewer interactions in order to consider them as valid conversions.

You have the ability to create a conversion group based on the data received from the segment implemented on a website, from MMP (attribution data), and from a TV application.

The Samsung DSP offers you the flexibility to track multiple event types from various data sources within a single campaign. To achieve this, you simply need to create a conversion group for each data source, such as Segment, MMP, and TV App Usage, and then attach these conversion groups to the flight(s). This streamlined approach allows for efficient tracking and analysis of different event types.

Create a conversion group

  1. In the left panel, click Setup and select Conversion Groups.

  2. In the upper right-hand corner, click +New Conversion Group.

  3. Fill in out the following form:

    • Name : Enter a name for your conversion group.
    • Advertiser : Select an advertiser for your conversion group. Your advertiser must be created before creating the conversion group. See Advertisers for more information. This is important as it will need to match the advertiser you’ve selected at the campaign level.
    • Data Source: Select one of the following data sources:
      • Segments: See the section below for more information about this configuration.
      • MMP: See MMP for more information about this configuration.
      • TV App Sessions: See TV App Session for more information about this configuration.

Segment data source

This option proves to be highly beneficial if you are seeking to gauge the effectiveness of your campaign to drive/increase traffic to your website.

A given segment can only be included in a single conversion group at a time, but one conversion group can include multiple segments.
You can use a segment included in a conversion group for both retargeting and conversion tracking purposes.

Once you select Segments in the Data Source drop-down list, you will have access to the following:

  1. IP Filtering: You can optionally include IP addresses that will need to be ignored by Samsung DSP. This usually consists of the IP addresses of your client’s organization to avoid crediting conversion to their employees.


In the Attribution Strategy section, you define the criteria for counting a conversion or an activity as valid.

  1. Counting Behavior: You can select one of the following options:
    1. One conversion each time the tag is called: This means that a conversion is tracked every time the tag is triggered.
    2. One conversion per user: This means that a conversion is counted only once per user within the attribution window.
    3. One conversion per user every… X days/hours/minutes/seconds: This means a conversion is tracked only once per user within a specified time frame (X days/hours/minutes/seconds).
  2. Post View Crediting Window: This refers to the number of days to consider when attributing credit based on views.
  3. Post Click Crediting Window: This refers to the number of days to consider when attributing credit based on clicks.
  4. Cross Device Conversions: Conversion groups use cookies to associate ad exposures with website or app visits. By ticking this checkbox, you can replace cookies with IP addresses for conversion tracking in cases where using cookies is not possible, for example, Connected TV campaigns. If you tick this checkbox, all conversions/attributions will be based on IP addresses. If left unticked, Samsung DSP will rely on cookie-based or device-based identifiers (IFAs) when available. If these identifiers are not available, view-through attribution will not be possible and only click-through attribution will fallback to IP.
  5. Under Segments, click the Add button to add as many segments as you want. However, please note that a segment can only be attached to one conversion group. If you don’t have created your segment, see Segments (Pixels) for more information.
  6. Click Create Conversion Group.
  7. See Flight Conversion Tracking to add a conversion group to your flights.
  8. Monitor the performance of your campaign by using the Delivery report. See Delivery for more information.


This option is particularly valuable if you rely on Mobile Measurement Partner (MMP) to track user interactions with a mobile application. It enables to retrieve those interactions as "Events", which helps in identifying the ones that align with your campaign's goals. See MMP Integration & Attribution for more information about MMPs.

  1. Once you select MMP in the Data Source drop-down list, you will have access to the following:


  1. Conversion Type: Select the event type(s) you want to count as conversions:
    1. In-App: This encompasses any interaction with the app that has been defined by the advertiser as an "event". These interactions can include actions such as app opens, profile setup, video starts, time spent within the app, etc. It is important to note that in-app events do not include revenue-related actions such as purchases.
    2. Install: This refers to the total number of app installations that have been generated by the campaign. This includes both initial installations (i.e., first time) and re-installations.
    3. Revenue: This refers to in-app events that have a monetary value associated with them. Examples of such events include subscription purchases and individual item purchases.

The selection will depend on the specific events that you are tracking in order to measure key performance indicators (KPIs). You can include all of these event types within the conversion group, as Samsung DSP’s reporting system allows for segmentation by "Conversion Segment". This segmentation, particularly in the case of Mobile Measurement Partners (MMPs), will provide a breakdown of the data based on event type.

  1. Click Create Conversion Group.
  2. Please ensure that you include the MMP trackers (click/impression trackers) in the creative that you will use on the flight promoting your ads on mobile applications. This step is mandatory and crucial as it allows Samsung DSP to retrieve the attribution data related to viewer engagement. See Set up MMP with Samsung DSP for more information.
  3. See Flight Conversion Tracking to add a conversion group to your flights.
  4. Monitor the performance and effectiveness of your campaign in relation to these events (known as conversion type) by using the Delivery report. See Delivery for more information.

TV App Sessions

This option enables you to assess the level of influence your advertisement can have in motivating an audience to open and use a particular TV application. It provides you with the ability to monitor the duration (session length) upon opening, or the frequency, by defining an exclusion period. This allows for a comprehensive evaluation of the impact your ad can have on driving user engagement with the app.

Once you select TV App Sessions in the Data Source drop-down list, you will have access to the following:

  1. IP Filtering: You can optionally include IP addresses that will need to be ignored by Samsung DSP. This usually consists of the IP addresses of your client’s organization to avoid crediting conversion to their employees.


In the Attribution Strategy section, you define the criteria for counting a conversion or an activity as valid.

  1. Counting Behavior: You can select one of the following options:
    1. One conversion each time the app is opened: This means that a conversion is tracked every time the app is used.
    2. One conversion per user: This means that a conversion is counted only once per user within the attribution window.
    3. One conversion per user every X days: This means a conversion is tracked only once per user within a specified time frame (X days/hours/minutes/seconds).
  2. Post View Crediting Window: This refers to the number of days to consider when attributing credit based on views.
  3. Post Click Crediting Window: This refers to the number of days to consider when attributing credit based on clicks.
  4. Cross Device Conversions: Conversion groups use cookies to associate ad exposures with website or app visits. By ticking this checkbox, you can replace cookies with IP addresses for conversion tracking in cases where using cookies is not possible, e.g., Connected TV campaigns. If you tick this checkbox, all conversions/attributions will be based on IP addresses. If left unticked, Samsung DSP will rely on cookie-based or device-based identifiers (IFAs) when available. If these identifiers are not available, view-through attribution will not be possible and only click-through attribution will fallback to IP.
  5. TV App: Select the app(s) you want to track the usage by ticking the checkbox(es).
  6. Minimum Session Length: Enter the minimum amount of time the app must be open to be counted as a valid event.
  7. Exclusion Period: This field allows you to exclude events from users that have opened the app in the last N days. By default, no exclusion period is defined.
  8. Click Create Conversion Group.
  9. See Flight Conversion Tracking to add a conversion group to your flights.
  10. Monitor the performance of your campaign by using the Delivery report. See Delivery for more information.

If you leave the Minimum Session Length and Exclusion Period at their default value (1 mn and None), Samsung DSP will track and attribute all app open/session events associated with the app(s).

Please find below a comprehensive table outlining potential use cases for the TV app conversion group. This table provides guidelines if you want to monitor user engagement, specifically tracking the frequency of app openings and their respective durations.

Use CaseScenarioSettings / Instructions
Checking frequencyIf you seek to effectively track and attribute app open/session events associated with specific app(s) for users who have not accessed said app(s) within a designated period. For this example, let's say in the past 30 days
  • Minimum Session Length: 1 mn (default)
  • Exclusion Period: 30 days
Checking retentionIf you are interested in tracking and attributing app open/session events related to app(s), with a specific time threshold, such as 5 minutes.
  • Minimum Session Length: 5 mn
  • Exclusion Period: None (Default)


Once TV App Session conversion groups have been created and added to flights of an active campaign, attribution will begin automatically. Attribution systems run hourly, and once complete, attribution results are available in Samsung DSP delivery reports as well as Extract reports.

Here are some general troubleshooting scenarios that could help you:

What if I do not see the application in the TV App drop-down list for attribution?

  • Only applications that have received data from Samsung's TV App usage database can be listed in this drop-down list. If you believe the application should be available, please contact your Account Manager (Admin) for further investigation.

Why am I not seeing any attributed TV App Session conversions in Samsung DSP?

  1. Have you created TV App Session conversion groups and added them to the flights of the campaign? If not, please do so by following the procedure described in Flight Conversion Tracking.
  2. How long has it been since the campaign was first set live? We recommend waiting at least 24 hours for initial data to be sent to Samsung DSP reporting systems.
  3. Do you have the cross-device attribution checkbox ticked? If not, then please enable it. This allows Samsung DSP to maximize the campaign exposure space in order to find a suitable match for attribution.
  4. Are your click and view crediting windows too restrictive? The smaller they are, the less chance Samsung DSP has to attribute the conversion to campaign exposure. Consider increasing the attribution windows.
  5. Is the campaign spending properly? If the campaign has low spend, there is a very good chance that Samsung DSP is not able to attribute any TV App Sessions to your campaign. Please consider serving more impressions.

These troubleshooting scenarios are provided to assist you in resolving any issues you may encounter with TV App Session attribution. For further assistance, feel free to reach out to your Account Manager (Admin).

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