Bid Activity
  • 13 Feb 2024
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Bid Activity

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Article summary

The Bid Activity report allows the user to see eligible bid requests, bids, bid rates, wins, & win rates for the entire buyer account. Due to the massive amounts of data involved in producing the report, it can only cover a limited amount of time:

  • Interactive report: displays data for the last 7 days.
  • Real-time: the graph displays live data for the last 60 seconds; the aggregate data (the summary at the top of the page and the Campaigns, Flights and Sellers tables) reflects the statistics for the length of time the report has been running.


The Bid Activity report displays information on the following metrics:

Eligible Bid RequestsThe number of eligible bid requests, which is determined by flight targeting criteria, such as marketplace (open market and deals), frequency caps, geography, segments, site lists, etc, as well as creative types are also determining eligible bid requests. VPAID creative can also limit the number of bid requests.
BidsThe number of requests that were bid on.

Pacing applied on budget, impression, or click objectives will make the flight bid only on some of the available Bid Requests.
Bid RateBids / Bid Requests
WinsActual impressions.

The bid amount is the main thing that can affect the wins, along with the creative specs (bitrate, video file type, etc) and the actual content of the ad (alcohol, political, pharma, etc)
Win RateWins / Bids
Eligible Unique UsersThe number of unique users you've bid on (matching the targeting criteria); this metric is only available in extract reports
Bid Unique UsersThe number of unique users seen in the bid requests (matching the targeting criteria); this metric is only available in extract reports
Impression Unique UsersThe number of unique users reached with an impression (matching the targeting criteria); this metric is only available in extract reports

Interactive Report



Data Retention: 7 days

Interactive graph available: Trends, Daypart, Scatter

The time range covered by the interactive report is shown at the top right of the report window; the totals for that time period are displayed above the graph.

Dimensions are chosen by selecting the desired dimension from the drop-down menu above the dimensions table.

NB - You must select Flight from the first dimension drop-down menu in order to select Deal and Deal ID from the second drop-down menu.


AdvertiserAdvertiser Name
CampaignCampaign Name
Device TypeType of device (e.g. Connected TV)
ExchangeExchange name
Exchange SellerExchange seller name
FlightFlight name
DaySpecific date the event happened (e.g. 2020-01-01)
Day of WeekDay of the week, e. g. “Wednesday”
HourDate and hour
Hour of DayHour of day (0-23)

Real-time report


The real-time bid activity report is, as its name indicates, generated in real-time from live data. When the report is launched, the METRICS graph displays your bid rate and win rate for the last 60 seconds; the aggregate data, such as the data displayed at the top of the page and in the Campaigns, Flights and Sellers tables, will display statistics for the length of time since the report has been launched.

You can opt to view statistics for a particular campaign, flight, or sellers by clicking on the relevant item in the Campaigns, Flights, or Sellers table. The information displayed will then only reflect the data relevant to the selected item.

For each table in the real-time bid activity report you can select the metrics from the drop-down menu at the top right of the table.


CampaignCampaign name
FlightFlight name
SellerExchange seller name

Extract report

URL: Samsung DSP

Step 1: Create a New Report

  1. In the left-hand navigation panel, select Reports & Monitoring > Extract > Reports
  2. Click on the New Report button at the top right of the page, and select Bid Activity. The following page will appear:

Step 2: Report Settings

Select dimensions as appropriate:

General - filtering available
AdvertiserAdvertiser Name (include the ID)
CampaignCampaign Name (include the ID)
Device TypeType of device (e.g. Connected TV)
DealDeal Name
Deal IDDeal ID
ExchangeExchange Name (include the ID)
Exchange SellerExchange Seller Name (include the ID)
FlightFlight Name (include the ID)
Temporal - filtering not available
DaySpecific date the event happened (e.g. 2020-01-01)
Day of WeekDay of the week, e.g. “Wednesday”
HourDate and Hour
Hour of DayHour of day (0-23)

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