trader_supply_activity (Trader API v1)
  • 26 Jun 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
  • Dark

trader_supply_activity (Trader API v1)

  • Dark

Article summary


  • Data retention: 15 days
  • Maximum selected date range: 8 days


advertiser_idintAdvertiser Name
advertiser_namestringAdvertiser Name
bidder_idintBidder Name
bidder_namestringBidder Name
buyer_currencystringBuyer currency
buyer_idintBuyer identifier
buyer_namestringBuyer name
campaign_end_datedateCampaign end date
campaign_idintCampaign Name
campaign_namestringCampaign Name
campaign_start_datedateCampaign start date
daystringDate in ISO format (ex: 2020-01-01)
day_of_weekstringDay name of the week (ex: Wednesday)
device_type_idintex: Connected TV
device_type_namestringex: Connected TV
exchange_idintExchange Name
exchange_namestringExchange Name
exchange_seller_external_idintExchange seller external identifier
exchange_seller_idintExchange Seller Name
exchange_seller_namestringExchange Seller Name
flight_idintFlight Name
flight_namestringFlight Name
hourstringDate and hour in ISO format (ex: 2020-01-01-10)
hour_of_daystringHour of the day, in 24h format (ex: 10)
monthstringYear and month of event in the following format: YYYY-MM
yearstringYear of event in the following format: YYYY
campaign_external_labelstringExternal Label set at the campaign level
flight_external_labelstringExternal Label set at the flight level
deal_idstringDirect Deal ID
deal_namestringDeal name
formatstringCreative Format (ex: 300x250, Video)


bid_ratefloatBid rate
bid_requestsintBid requests
buyer_cpmfloatCost per mille (thousand impressions) for this buyer
buyer_media_cpmfloatBuyer cost per mille on media spend
buyer_media_spendfloatBuyer media spend
buyer_media_spend_uintBuyer media spend (microdollars)
buyer_spendfloatBuyer spend includes the media spend plus all the fees which are incurred by the campaigns. The buyer spend is a sum of the media fees plus the data fees, ad serving fees and Samsung DSP fees. The buyer spend reflects your actual cost of a campaign to the agency.
buyer_spend_uintBuyer spend (microdollars)
media_cpmfloatMedia CPM: Cost per mille (thousand impressions) for this media
media_spendfloatThe raw cost of the media without the data, ad serving and Samsung DSP fees included.
media_spend_uintMedia spend (microdollars)
requests_pacedintRequest paced
requests_submittedintRequests submitted
unadjusted_media_cpmfloatUnadjusted media cost per mille
unadjusted_media_spendfloatUnadjusted media spend
unadjusted_media_spend_uintUnadjusted media spend (microdollars)
unique_browsers_bid_approxintApproximate bid unique browsers
unique_browsers_eligible_approxintApproximate eligible unique browsers
unique_browsers_win_approxintApproximate win unique browsers
win_ratefloatWin rate
win_rate_bid_requestsfloatWin rate bid requests
win_rate_pacedfloatWin rate paced
win_rate_submittedfloatWin rate submitted

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