trader_delivery_video (Trader API v1)
  • 26 Jun 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
  • Dark

trader_delivery_video (Trader API v1)

  • Dark

Article summary


  • Data retention: 2 years and 1 month
  • Maximum selected date range: 2 years and 1 month


hourstringDate and hour in ISO format (ex: 2020-01-01-10)
daystringDate in ISO format (ex: 2020-01-01)
hour_of_daystringHour of the day, in 24h format (ex: 10)
day_of_weekstringDay name of the week (ex: Wednesday)
country_codestringCountry Name
country_namestringCountry Name
region_codestringState, Province or Region Name
region_namestringState, Province or Region Name
language_idint(ex: EN, FR)
language_namestring(ex: EN, FR)
buyer_currencystringBuyer currency
device_type_idintex: Connected TV
device_type_namestringex: Connected TV
device_idint(ex: Tizen TV)
device_namestring(ex: Tizen TV)
app_bundle_idstringApp Bundle ID
app_bundle_namestringApp Bundle ID
url_domainstringSite Domain URL
exchange_seller_site_idintExchange seller site identifier
exchange_seller_site_namestringExchange seller site name
creative_idintCreative Name
creative_namestringCreative Name
flight_idintFlight Name
flight_namestringFlight Name
campaign_idintCampaign Name
campaign_namestringCampaign Name
buyer_idintBuyer identifier
buyer_namestringBuyer name
advertiser_idintAdvertiser Name
advertiser_namestringAdvertiser Name
exchange_idintExchange Name
exchange_namestringExchange Name
exchange_seller_idintExchange Seller Name
exchange_seller_namestringExchange Seller Name
position_idintAbove the fold, Below the fold or Unknown
position_namestringAbove the fold, Below the fold or Unknown
campaign_external_labelstringExternal Label set at the campaign level
flight_external_labelstringExternal Label set at the flight level
creative_external_labelstringExternal Label set at the creative level


adserving_feefloatAd serving fees will only appear in Samsung DSP reports if the campaign is serving enhanced display creatives or video creatives. All standard creatives and creatives served via third party ad tags will not have any ad serving fees aggregated in the report. If the campaign is serving enhanced and video creatives, the ad serving fees will be added to Samsung DSP buyer spend to make sure budget pacing includes ad serving and the campaign does not overspend.
average_view_ratefloatAverage progress for Video creatives that shows on average how far the video creative is allowed to play before being closed/stopped. This is based on the exact percentage, not the percentiles.
buyer_cpcfloatCost per click for this buyer
buyer_cpcvfloatCost per completed views for this buyer (spend/how many people actually watch the whole creative).
buyer_cpmfloatCost per mille (thousand impressions) for this buyer
buyer_spendfloatBuyer spend includes the media spend plus all the fees which are incurred by the campaigns. The buyer spend is a sum of the media fees plus the data fees, ad serving fees and Samsung DSP fees. The buyer spend reflects your actual cost of a campaign to the agency.
ctrfloatClick Through Rate – this is the number of Clicks events over the number of overall Impressions expressed as a percentage.
clicksintA click event is counted when a user clicks on the ad/creative.
video_completeintVideo viewed completely - number of times the video was viewed to the end.
completion_ratefloatVideo Completed / Video Started
data_feefloatData fees are a sum of all the data which are being used by the campaigns. They will include MOAT Viewability tracking, any and all IAS brand safety, viewability filtering, suspicious activity filtering and context attributes and any Lotame audiences which are being leveraged by the campaigns.
video_errorsintVideo Errors
video_fullscreenintVideo being viewed in fullscreen mode
impressionsintAn Impression is counted when the ad is initially loaded. In the case of video ads, it is not necessary for the video creative to play for an impression to be counted.
media_cpcvfloatCost per completed views for this media
media_cpmfloatMedia CPM: Cost per mille (thousand impressions) for this media
media_spendfloatThe raw cost of the media without the data, ad serving and Samsung DSP fees included.
video_muteintVideo being Muted - number of impressions
video_pauseintVideo being Paused - number of impressions where the video was paused.
video_first_quartileintVideo viewed at 25% before being skipped or exited. Also known as Video First Quartiles
video_midpointintVideo viewed at 50% before being skipped or exited. Also known as Video Mid Point
video_third_quartileintVideo viewed at 75% before being skipped or exited. Also known as Video Third Quartiles
video_resumeintVideo being Resumed - number of impressions where the video was paused and then resumed afterward.
video_skipintVideo that was skipped
video_startintVideo Started
trader_feefloatSamsung DSP fees are simply the platform usage fees outlined in your contract.
video_unmuteintVideo being Unmuted

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