  • 13 Feb 2024
  • 6 Minutes to read
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Article summary

Follow the instructions in this article to learn how to create an interactive, real-time or extract segments report.

Interactive report

The interactive segments report is an interactive dashboard that provides you with multiple views of segment performance. Select from five different views and mutitple metrics and dimensions to customize the view of your data.

Get started by clicking Reports on the left hand menu. Under the Interactive sub menu, select Segments.

The Segments - Interactive report screen will be displayed:


By default, the last week of data will be displayed on the Trends tab. To update the study period

  1. Click the date range.
  2. Select a new start and end date, or select one of the predefined study periods. Data from the last 12 months is available.
  3. Click Apply to apply the changes. The graph will refresh with data from the study period you selected.


Further refine the data by selecting from the available metrics and dimensions. Descriptions of the metrics and dimensions are below.


Browser CallsThe number of times that our tag/pixel is called by a browser
Returning Browser CallsThe number of calls from already-known users (based on cookies)
Returning Browser Calls percentageReturning Browser Calls / Browser Calls
New Browser CallsThe number of calls from new users (based on cookies)
New Browser Calls percentageNew Browser Calls / Browser calls
Untrackable CallsThis represent browsers that we are unable to track. Untrackable calls are cause by browsers that do not accept cookies, or because we received a Do Not Track request from the browser.
Untrackable Calls percentageUntrackable calls / Browser calls


SegmentSegment name (include the ID)
DayThe date when the segment was called (e.g. 2020-01-01)
Day of WeekDay of the week, e. g. “Wednesday”
HourDate and hour
Hour of DayHour of day (0-23)
CountryThe country where the segment was called, if available.
RegionThe region where the segment was called, if available.
BrowserThe browser (e.g. Chrome, Samsung Internet)
Browser languageThe language requested by the browser (e.g. EN, FR, DE, KO)
Browser versionThe version of the browser
DeviceThe device (e. g. Tizen TV)
Device typeThe type of device (e. g. Connected TV)
OSThe Device operating system (e.g. Tizen, Microsoft Windows)
OS VersionThe Device operating system version (e.g. Microsoft Windows 10)

Real-time report

The real-time segments report displays data in real-time, starting from the moment the page is launched. Browser calls are displayed in the bar chart at the top of dashboard. Additional dimensions are displayed below the brower calls and can be further refined using the dimensions in the drop down menus.

Get started by clicking Reports on the left hand menu. Under the Real-time sub menu, select Segments.


The Segments - real-time report screen will be displayed:



Refine the data displayed on the panels on the dashboard using the following dimensions:

SegmentsThe segment name
CountryThe country where the segment was called, if available.
RegionThe region where the segment was called, if available.
BrowserThe browser (e.g. Chrome, Samsung Internet)
DeviceThe device (e. g. Tizen TV)
Device typeThe type of device (e. g. connected TV)
OSThe Device operating system (e.g. Tizen, Microsoft Windows)
OS VersionThe Device operating system version (e.g. Microsoft Windows 10)

Extract report

Generate an extract segments report to extract and view your segments data in a spreadsheet.

  1. Get started by clicking Reports on the left hand menu.
  2. Under the Extract sub menu, select Reports. The extract report screen will be displayed.


  1. Click +New Report on the upper right hand corner and select segments from the drop down menu. The New Report - segments screen will be displayed.


The screen has four sections:

Follow the directions below to complete the sections on the screen and to run your report.

General settings

Complete the fields in the general settings section:


  • Name: Enter the name of your report

  • Date range: Select a study period for the report from the drop down menu. There are three options

    • Custom: Using the date picker, select a start date and end date.
    • Previous month
    • Last n days: Enter the a value in the text box for the number of days to include in the study period.
  • Time zone: Select a time zone from the drop down menu.

  • Scheduling: Select a time/date to schedule generating your report. This field is optional. If you do not select an option from the scheduling drop down menu, your report will be generated when you click run.

  • Email: Key in email addresses, separated by a comma, to receive a copy of the report via email. This field is optional.

  • HTTP Post: Key in URLs, separated by a comma.


Select the dimensions to include in your report from the following list:

SegmentSegment name (include the ID)
DayThe date when the segment was called (e.g. 2020-01-01)
Day of WeekDay of the week, e. g. “Wednesday”
HourDate and hour
Hour of DayHour of day (0-23)
CountryThe country where the segment was called, if available.
RegionThe region where the segment was called, if available.
BrowserThe browser (e.g. Chrome, Samsung Internet)
Browser languageThe language requested by the browser (e.g. EN, FR, DE, KO)
Browser versionThe version of the browser
DeviceThe device (e. g. Tizen TV)
Device typeThe type of device (e. g. Connected TV)
OSThe Device operating system (e.g. Tizen, Microsoft Windows)
OS VersionThe Device operating system version (e.g. Microsoft Windows 10)


Select the metrics to include in your report from the following list:

Browser callsThe number of times that our tag/pixel is called by a browser
New browser callsThe number of calls from new users (based on cookies)
New browser calls percentageBrowser calls from new devices, as percentage of total browser calls.
Returning browser callsThe number of calls from already-known users (based on cookies)
Returning browser calls percentageReturning Browser Calls / Browser Calls
Trackable callsCalls from browser that have allowed cookies to be set and have NOT enabled the Do Not Track flag.
Trackable calls percentageTrackable calls as % of browser calls
Unique users (approx cumul)Number of unique users (approximately)
Unique users approxUnique users (approximatively) as % of browser calls
Untrackable callsThis represent browsers that we are unable to track. Untrackable calls are caused by browsers that do not accept cookies, or because we received a Do Not Track request from the browser.
Untrackable calls percentageUntrackable calls as % of browser calls (Untrackable calls / Browser calls)


Further narrow down your data by filtering by a segment.


  1. Key in a few letters from the segment name. The closest matches will be dislayed under the search field.
  2. Select the desired segment from the list. It will appear under the search field.
  3. Repeat until you have added all of the segments you want to filter by.

Run your report

After completing the general settings and selecting dimensions, metrics and filters, click run to run your report. A window will appear confirming that your report is processing.

Download your report

If you included your email address in the general settings section of the new report screen, your report will be emailed to you when it has finished processing.

After your report has finished processing and the status has been updated to completed, you can download a copy to your device.

To download your report following the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the Extract report screen.
  2. Locate your report on the screen by either scrolling or using the filter field to search for it.
  3. Under the actions column, click the three dots to display the actions menu.
  4. Select download. Your report will be downloaded to your local device.

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