Reach & Frequency Report
  • 10 Jul 2024
  • 10 Minutes to read
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Reach & Frequency Report

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Article summary

The Reach and Frequency Report provides visibility into the reach and frequency metrics for selected campaigns and flights within a defined study period, enabling you to understand how many devices (Samsung TV or other device IDs) are being reached by your ad impressions and at what frequency.

Follow the instructions in this article to learn how to create, locate and interpret a Reach and Frequency Report.

Create a report

  1. From any Samsung DSP page, click on the Reports icon in the left-hand navigation section and select Reach & Frequency. The Reach and Frequency listing page will be displayed:


Click to display a detailed description of the fields on the screen
  • +New Report Button - Click this button to create a new Reach and Frequency Report.
  • Search or add filters - Supported filters are Report Name, Campaign Group, Advertiser, Requester, Status.
    ou define for the Reach and Frequency report.
  • Campaign Group: Displays campaign group name if a selected campaign belongs to a campaign group
  • Advertiser: Advertiser associated with the campaign/campaign group/flights.
  • Requester: Name of the user who created the report
  • Request Date: This is the date the request was made.
  • Status: The status of the report and one of Available, Processing or Failed
  • Actions: Actions that can be taken, either download or duplicate

Click +New Report at the top right of the Reach & Frequency page to create a new report. The Reach and Frequency report screen will be displayed.

The Reach and Frequency screen has 2 panels: Campaign/Flight Selection and Audiences for Analysis. Follow the directions below to complete the panels and run your report.

Campaign/Flight Selection

Complete the following fields on the Campaign/Flight selection panel:


  1. Advertiser: Enter the Advertiser name in the text field/dropdown. The dropdown list will be populated as you type the Advertiser name. Select the advertiser.
    2.Study Period: Enter the study period. The default selection will be the current date minus 2 days. You can select a range of the last week, month or 30 days or a custom range, which is then defined by selecting start and end dates via the calendar control.
  2. Report Name: Enter a report name. By default, this value that will appear in the field with be {Advertiser} - {Study Period Date Range}
  3. Campaign/Flights selection:  Once the advertiser is selected, the available campaign/campaign group listings will populate the list and specific campaigns and flights can be selected by checking their respective checkboxes. This will populate with all of the campaigns that have been run on Samsung DSP from your buyer account for the selected advertiser, and you can then drill down to specific campaigns and flights. If the campaign/flight is not included in a campaign group, you will see an empty space in the CAMPAIGN GROUP NAME column.
  • Data is only available until 2 days prior to the current date.
  • If you see a “-” in the checkbox instead of a check mark, this indicates that not all of the flights in the campaign are selected for inclusion in the report. If all flights are included, then there will be a checkmark.
  • A greyed out flight from the expanded list indicates that the flight has been setup but is not running.

Country Selection for Analysis

Select your region and country in the Region/Country lists in the Country Selection for Analysis area.

Select a region and country to define the universe of TVs to base your report in this section.

  1. Click the region drop down menu and select a region.
  2. Click the country drop down menu and select one or more countries from the list that appears.

Working with European countries

Europe explicitly supports only seven of many countries in the European Union, known as the E7 countries. If your county does not appear in the list, select Others (OTHERS). The report provides coverage for all devices.

Audiences for Analysis

Add an audience using one of the following options: Audience List, DMP Audience or by building a custom audience.

Audience list

  1. To add an audience from Audience List, click +Audience List. The Select Your Audience screen will display.
  2. Select the audience(s) you want to include in your report. Use the search function to narrow down the list if needed. Click Import Audience. The audience(s) you have selected will appear in the Audience for Analysis section of the screen.

DMP audience

  1. To add an audience from the DMP, click +DMP Audience. The Select Your DMP Audience screen will display.
  2. Select the audience(s) you want to include in your report. Use the search function to narrow down the list if needed.
  3. Click Import Segment. The audience(s) you have selected will appear in the Audience for Analysis section of the screen.

Custom audience

Custom audience allows you to combine different Audience List and/or DMP Audiences.

  1. To create a custom audience, click +Custom Audience. The Create your custom audience screen will be displayed.
  2. Enter a name for your audience in the name field.

Start by building your audience by including different segments :

Audience list
a) To add an Audience List segment, click +Audience List.
b) Select your audience segment(s) from the list displayed. Use the search field to narrow down your selection if necessary.
c) When you have selected the audience segment(s) you want to include, click Import Audience. Your audience segment(s) will appear on the custom audience screen.

DMP Audience
a) To add a DMP Audience, click +DMP Audience.
b) Select the DMP audience segment(s) you want to include from the list displayed. Use the search field to narrow down your selection if necessary.
c) When you have selected the audience segments you want to include, click Import Segment.

If desired, exclude audience segments following the process described in the steps above.

Click Create Audience to add the custom audience to the report.

Run your report

Once the data has been entered as described, click Run to generate your report. After clicking the Run, you will see a message that the report has been successfully created and its status in the report listings will be displayed as Processing.

Schedule your report

You can schedule a daily Reach & Frequency Report for your ongoing or upcoming campaigns in a CSV format. The reports can be delivered via email or downloaded in DSP.

To schedule your report

  1. Access the Reach & Frequency Report scheduling feature either through a feature flag or by downloading it
  2. Move the toggle slider to the right in the Schedule field to enable scheduling.
  3. In the Emails field, type the email address of the user that you want the reports to be sent to using the scheduling feature.
  4. In the list box in the Frequency field, select an interval that you want to schedule report receipt, either daily, weekly, or monthly.
  5. Indicate a date when you want the scheduled delivery to begin in the from field and a date when you want the scheduled delivery to end in the to field.
  6. In the Report Date Range field, select Year to Date to schedule the number of reports with associated with reports generated on a year-to-date basis or Campaigns to Date to schedule the number of reports based on the number of campaigns to date.
  7. In the Report Name field, type a name that will be the title of the Reach & Frequency report being delivered through the scheduling feature.
  8. In the Format field, select a format type in the list, either CSV or XLSX. If the report is to be delivered more than once, it is in the CSV format.

Report Settings.png

Interpret your report

Find and download your report

Find your report on the Reach and Frequency report listing page. If it does not appear at the top of the screen, use the search field to search for it. To view your report details, click the report name. The report details screen will be displayed.

Download your report from the Reach & Frequency report listing page when the status is Available by clicking the download icon in the Actions column. Alternatively, you can download your report from the report settings screen by clicking Download.

In both cases, an Excel workbook will be downloaded to your device.

Report output explanation

You can view the reach and frequency metrics in the downloaded workbook. The Reach and Frequency workbook has three tabs: an Overall (summary), Samsung Inventory Transparency, and a glossary.

  • Summary: Total number of impressions, reach and average frequency for both all devices and Samsung Universe.
  • Exposure type: Impressions, reach and average frequency by device type
  • Campaign: Impressions, reach and average frequency for each campaign
  • Flight: Impressions, reach and average frequency for each flight
  • Creative: Impressions, reach, and average frequency for each creative
  • Audience: Impressions, reach and average frequency for audiences included in the report
  • Format: Impressions, reach and average frequency by format type
  • Device type: Impressions, reach and average frequency for each device type
  • Frequency Distribution: Impressions, reach and average frequency for each device type
  • Date: Impressions, reach and average frequency by day, week and month

About the Summary table

The Summary table now includes impression, reach, and frequency data on two device types:

  • Samsung TVs - All TV IDs in the Samsung Universe.
  • All Devices - All Devices counts Samsung TVs, and other devices such as mobiles, tablets in Samsung and Non-Samsung households (if Device ID is not available, then IP is used).


Study periodThe window of time to analyze the delivery of a campaign
DeviceThe device used to measure Reach/Impressions. Samsung TVs count Samsung TV IDs only. All devices count Samsung TVs, and other devices such as mobile devices and tablets in Samsung and non-Samsung households. If the device ID is not available, then the IP address is used.
ReachThe number of devices that were served at least one impression
ImpressionThe number of ads delivered
FrequencyThe number of times an impression was delivered to a device
WeekThe period of time from Monday to Sunday
Exposure typeThe media type on which the advertising campaign ran. Possible values: Native: Samsung owned & operated inventory, CTV: Connected TV inventory that includes TV Plus, SCN and 3P supply, Cross Device: non-CTV inventory acquired through exchanges
FormatThe creative format of ads delivered. Possible values: VIDEO, DISPLAY
Device typeThe type of device that delivered ads. Possible values: COMPUTER, CONNECTED_TV, GAME_CONSOLE, MOBILE, TABLET, UNKNOWN
AudienceAudience imported for report analysis
Inventory nameThe inventory name of ads delivered that falls under Samsung inventory transparency reporting
Content nameThe app name or TV channel on which ads delivered depending on inventory name. If the inventory name is SCN, the name of the app is the device on which ads played. Otherwise, it is the name which is defined by the Nielsen genre code
GenreThe genre information associated with the content name which is defined by the Nielsen genre code
Unknown3P CTV and SCN inventory for which Samsung does not have transparent data
Sensitive publisherPartners that Samsung cannot show due to contractual obligations
Samsung Opaque PartnersSamsung TV Plus partners that are unable to be shown in reporting because Samsung does not have transparent data for inventory being purchased through 3P SSPs.


Why do I see N/A in the Frequency breakout table?
N/A represents cases where impressions were served on unidentifiable devices. This mostly happens in cases where users have opted out from sharing their data. In such cases, although we can identify that an impression was served, we cannot identify the device it was served on, because no device identifier is available in logs. You can therefore see a positive number of impressions, but no reach.

Does reach in this report only include Samsung devices?
No, the report covers all devices, including devices that exist outside of Samsung TV households. The report does provide a summary of Reach activity by Samsung TVs only. The purpose of providing Samsung TV Reach in the Summary table is to compare this value with other Audience Analytics reports (Incremental Reach, Lift, etc.) that report on Samsung TVs.

Which time zone is my report in?
The report time zone is based on the time zone setting in your DSP account.

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