Programmatic guaranteed campaign
  • 11 Dec 2023
  • 11 Minutes to read
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Programmatic guaranteed campaign

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Article summary

Programmatic Guaranteed (PG) refers to deals that an advertiser or an agency could have negotiated directly with a publisher to conduct their campaign.

Associating a campaign with a Programmatic Guaranteed deal ensures the delivery fixed number of impressions at a predetermined price.

These deals are interesting as advertisers have more predictability and certainty in terms of ad placements while reducing their costs on discounted inventory.

Import the programmatic guaranteed deal

  1. In the left pane, click on Marketplace .

  2. In the upper right-hand corner, click on Import Deal.

  3. Currently, only Samsung Ads, Telaria, SpotX and FreeWheel are supported for Programmatic Guaranteed deals. Select one of them in the Exchange drop-down list.

  4. Retrieve information from the exchange to fill in these fields. For Samsung Ads, select Samsung Ads in the Exchange Seller field to get access to the Deal Details section.

    1. Deal ID : Enter the Deal ID provided by the exchange.

      1. For Synched Exchanges, click on Fetch Details.

        Synched Exchanges pre-populate with data from the exchange in the Deal Details section. The Period of Validity (Start Date and End Date) can be updated in this section. All other fields are greyed out and cannot be edited.

      2. For Non-Synched Exchanges, you have to fill in out manually other fields.

    2. SSP Deal Name: Enter a name for this deal. You will be able to search for this deal by using its name on the Deal Listing page.

    3. Exchange Seller: Select the seller associated with this deal.

    4. Deal Type: Select Programmatic Guaranteed.

    5. Auction Type/Currency/ Price: The Auction Type drop-down will be set to Fixed. In the next two drop-down lists, select the currency and the price at which the auction should be run for this deal. The price you specify here is the Floor Price, the lowest price from which the publisher agrees to sell their inventory. Any incoming bid will have to be at or above the floor price to be eligible for an auction.

    6. Budget: Enter the amount you agree to pay for using this deal.

    7. Impressions: Enter the number of impressions the publisher certifies to deliver.

    8. Period of Validity: Slide the Period of Validity switch to define the starting and expiring date for this deal.

    9. Start Date / End Date: Use the date picker, the time, and the time zone drop-down list to define the validity period for this deal. When the validity period is over, the deal will be set to the FINISHED state.

  5. If you want to provide more information about the deal, you can fill in the fields in the Additional Details section. See the section below for more details. If not, click on Import Deal to finish.

Additional details

For Synched Exchanges, some fields in the Additional Details section might be already completed if the information was available at the exchange level.

The fields in this section are optional and do not affect delivery. They are useful for adding clarity regarding the usage of the deal (for instance, the verticals, the creative types it could be used for, etc.)

This information, if specified, will be also available from the Deal Listing page by clicking on the arrow next to the deal’s name.

DSP Deal NameThe name that will be displayed in Samsung DSP (in all listings).
PlatformsPlatform(s) on which this deal can deliver (App or Web).
Creative TypesThe creative types that can be delivered on this deal.
FormatsFormats that can be delivered on this deal.
Ad DurationDuration accepted on this deal.
VerticalsVerticals (i.e., industry-specific audience) associated with this deal.
LanguagesLanguage associated with this deal.
ChannelsChannels associated with this deal.
Content-Type – GenreGenre associated with this deal.
PublishersList of publishers agreed to for this deal.
More DetailsA text box where you can add other details about this deal.

Create the programmatic guaranteed campaign

  1. In the left pane, click on Campaigns .
  2. In the upper right-hand corner, click on +New Campaign.

Select a campaign goal

  • Select the goal that best defines the purpose of your campaign in the following categories and click on Next.


Raise awareness

Select one of these options if your campaign aims to increase the reach of your brand.


This goal is perfect for advertisers seeking to optimize the exposure of their ads to a wide-ranging audience. By prioritizing reach, you are focusing on expanding the number of distinct households and individuals who see your advertisement. This objective is especially well-suited for brand awareness campaigns.

Incremental Reach
If your primary advertising campaign is focused on linear TV and you have identified gaps in audience coverage, this goal can help bridge those gaps. It strategically targets audiences that may have been underexposed or completely missed on linear TV, ensuring wider coverage and reach.

Competitive Conquesting
This strategy is designed for advertisers seeking to access their competitors' audience. By retargeting viewers who have previously seen competitors' linear ads, brands can effectively introduce their product or service as a superior alternative.

Drive engagement

Select one of these options if your campaign aims to generate more website traffic, increase app usage/installation or screen time.


Website Conversion
If your main Key Performance Indicator (KPI) is to increase website traffic or user engagement on pages featuring a Samsung Pixel, then this objective is appropriate. It focuses on driving users to perform a specific action, such as making a purchase, signing up, or achieving any other conversion metric on the website. See Website Conversion Campaign to set up this campaign type.

TV App Usage
For advertisers promoting Smart TV applications, the primary objective is not only to ensure app installation, but also to encourage app launch and usage. This strategy is particularly effective for new app launches or increasing user engagement for existing apps.

Mobile App Usage
Similar to the TV App Usage, this goal is specifically designed for mobile users. Whether you are launching a new mobile app or seeking to boost user engagement on an existing one, this goal is your ultimate solution.

Game Plays
Tailored for the gaming industry, this objective places the utmost importance on driving users to play a particular game on a more frequent basis. Whether it involves the introduction of a new game or the promotion of an already beloved one, this goal effectively increases user engagement.

Designed for broadcasters or program advertisers, this goal aims to boost viewership for a particular TV channel or show. If you are looking to increase the popularity or viewership ratings of a show, this is the ideal goal.

If you are uncertain about the appropriate goal for your campaign, beginning with Reach is a reliable choice. It is our most versatile goal, designed to guarantee optimal visibility for your advertisement.

Select a campaign type


  • Once you have selected a campaign goal, select Programmatic Guaranteed and click on Start Creating Campaign.

Some considerations to take into account when you select Programmatic Guaranteed:

  • Only one flight can be assigned to the campaign using the Programmatic Guaranteed deal. You can only create a Programmatic Guaranteed type flight (i.e., you can’t create a flight that would target Connected TV (CTV) or Display inventories).

  • The Campaign and associated Flight benefiting from this deal cannot be duplicated.

  • The Campaign Day/Time Parting section will be removed.

Complete the campaign form

General information


Specify the basic information of the campaign like name, advertiser, timing, and the goal you want to achieve:

  1. Name: Enter a name for the campaign.
  2. Advertiser: Enter the advertiser's name. As you type in the name, Samsung DSP will present a list to make a selection amongst the existing advertiser names. If you need to create a new advertiser, see Advertisers for more information.
  3. From / To: Select the date, time, and time zone you want the campaign to start and finish. By default, the time zone is as per your user settings.
  4. External label: This is a free-form text field. You can provide an external label to facilitate reporting across different systems. After Samsung DSP has delivered impressions, you will be able to pull reports pivoted around this field from the Delivery extract and interactive reports.

Regarding the Campaign Goal, Inventory Source and Device fields, the Samsung Ads team analyzes this information and will advise you about potential settings changes that you can make to optimize your campaign’s performance. The values you select here will help our teams for monitoring. This will not affect the delivery.

  1. Inventory Source: Select the platform(s) where your ad should be displayed. You can select more than one value. However, the choices will affect the options available in the Devices drop-down list.
  2. Device: Use the drop-down list to specify the device(s) that will be targeted by your ad. Some options may not be available based on your selection in the Inventory Source drop-down list.

This table lists the devices that are available when each of the inventory sources is selected.

Inventory Source SelectedDevices
Samsung TV PlacementSmart TV & OTT
Samsung Mobile PlacementMobile Devices
Connected TV (CTV)Smart TV & OTT
Online Video (OLV)Mobile Devices and Desktop
DisplayMobile Devices and Desktop

The devices associated with an inventory source are cumulative.
For instance, if you select Samsung TV Placement and Samsung Mobile Placement, you will be able to pick Smart TV & OTT and Mobile Devices as target devices.

The following option is not supported yet in every region.
For now, only the following locations have access: IN, AU, USA, CA, BR, and MX.

  1. Linear TV ads reach: Ticking this option increases your campaign’s unique reach by taking into account the exposures from Linear TV ads. Note that this does not affect your frequency cap unless you tick the Linear TV ads option in the Frequency Cap section.
    1. Linear ads: TV ads that we automatically identify.
    2. Custom content: TV ads that you can register to monitor easily their performance. See Custom Content for more information.



  • Budget : Enter a value that is greater or matches the one defined in the deal.

The budget must include the Programmatic Guaranteed deal budget AND any additional fees. Samsung DSP will suggest a minimum budget with an estimated Buyer fees.
If Samsung DSP hosts the creative(s), please include the Ad Serving fees in the budget.

The Impressions field will be automatically filled based on the number set in the deal (once the deal has been selected in the Flight Marketplace tab).

Frequency cap

Frequency Caps restricts Samsung DSP from targeting audiences that were already exposed a specified amount of times to your campaign within a specified time frame. See Frequency Cap to learn more about the feature.

The following option is not supported yet in every region.
For now, only the following locations have access: IN, AU, USA, CA, BR, and MX.

  • Linear TV ads: Increase your campaign frequency count with linear ad exposures. The linear TV ads exposures that will increment the frequency count are the same as those selected in the Linear TV ads reach section. When this option is selected, the Linear TV ads impressions will also be counted in the frequency cap.

This option is only in effect when a frequency cap by IP address is set.

Ticking this checkbox will have no effect unless the Linear TV ads reach option in the General Information was not selected along with at least one linear ad or custom content.

Flight creation & budget allocation

  1. Give a name to the flight.
  2. Click on Create Campaign.

Please note that the Campaign will be created but will not be launched.
You will be directed to the Campaign Show page.

Set up the flight

  • Under the Flights section, click on the flight’s name (hyperlink) to edit the flight.

Define the Strategy Tab


  1. Name and Schedule will retrieve the information you entered at the Campaign level (i.e., the flight’s name and schedule).
  2. Bid Tactic: The fields are greyed out and will be populated once you will select the Programmatic Guaranteed deal in the Marketplace tab. We will complete this step shortly.
  3. Frequency Cap: We do not recommend you add a Frequency Cap as the pacing is already dictated by the SSP or publisher. Applying a Frequency Cap would affect the delivery.
  4. Conversion Tracking: You can attach a Conversion Group to this flight. See Conversion Group for more information.

Define the Marketplace tab

You can select only one Programmatic Guaranteed deal per flight. Samsung DSP will automatically deselect the previous item if you try to use more than one deal.

Define the Creatives tab

ABOUT THE TARGETING TAB: The Targeting tab is greyed out as the terms of the deal such as the target audience, and inventory would have been discussed and defined already with the publisher.

  • Select the creative(s) you want to assign to this flight.

NOTE ABOUT PROGRAMMATIC GUARANTEED CAMPAIGNS WITH FREEWHEEL: Creatives should be audited by the FreeWheel exchange to be valid and used as a creative in the Flight Creative tab.

Launch the Flight

Once you have finished configuring your flight through the Strategy, Marketplace, and Creatives tabs, you can now launch your flight.

  • In the bottom right-hand corner, click on Save & Launch to confirm.

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