MMP Integration & Attribution
  • 04 Dec 2023
  • 3 Minutes to read
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MMP Integration & Attribution

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Article summary

Mobile Measurement Partner (MMP) is an independent third-party provider whose platform measures your ad campaign performance based on user interaction with an application. Each user interaction (i.e., installation, app opens, in-app events/purchases) is called a user event.

MMPs track user events and perform attribution of each app engagement to the right ad based on the collected ad impression and click data.

The attribution analysis is achieved by passing data from Samsung DSP to the MMP through tracking links or macros appended to the creative. The MMPs, in turn, pass events back to Samsung DSP.

The advertiser's transaction is directly with the MMP. While Samsung DSP provides integrations with a growing number of MMPs, it does not participate in any transaction with them.

MMPs integrated with Samsung DSP will provide the platform with data regarding the ROI of campaigns running on it, such as installs and revenue.

Attribution Models

The attribution model outlines a set of rules used by MMPs (Mobile Measurement Partners) that determine which ads should be credited for conversions. This is important because, unlike impressions and clicks, conversions can be influenced by a combination of advertising campaigns.

The following attribution models vary depending on the MMP.

Attribution ModelDescription
Last-TouchWith this model, credit for a conversion is assigned to the ad that was most recently displayed to the user before the conversion occurred. This is the most common model used in the industry today.
Multi-TouchIn this model, a conversion can be attributed to multiple ads that were displayed before the conversion event. Usually, each ad is assigned a weight, which determines the fractional credit it receives for the conversion based on specific rules. These rules and weightings can vary significantly and are typically tailored to meet the unique requirements of each advertiser.
Deterministic AttributionThis model uses observed data from both the impression or click and the conversion event to determine attribution. Typically, this involves matching device IDs or cookie IDs, although it can also leverage other data sources like personally identifiable information (PII) such as email addresses, phone numbers, and physical addresses.
Probabilistic AttributionThis model establishes a connection between impressions or clicks and conversion events through a statistical model. To achieve this, the model uses various data points including device fingerprinting, IP matching, screen resolution, operating system, location, and more. By analyzing these factors, the model assigns a probability that the conversion was executed by the same user or device that initially received the impression. This approach ensures a more accurate understanding of user behavior and attribution.

Here are the rules and filters that are typically present in each attribution model:

Click vs. view-through ConversionsA click-through conversion refers to a scenario where the user is not only served the ad but also clicks on it before converting. On the other hand, a view-through conversion occurs when the user merely views the ad without clicking on it. It is worth noting that certain advertisers may assign more credit, and in some cases, all credit, to click-through conversions.
Attribution WindowIn relation to the post-view and post-click rule, an attribution window is established to determine the maximum allowable time between an ad exposure and a conversion for the ad exposure to be credited with the conversion. This rule is closely linked to the post-view and post-click rule, as certain advertisers may permit post-impression conversions but with a more limited attribution window.

For instance, advertisers may set a maximum of 24 hours for impression ad exposures and a maximum of 7 days for click ad exposures, indicating the time frame within which a conversion must occur for the ad exposure to be considered influential.

Set up an MMP with Samsung DSP

Samsung DSP is integrated with the following partners. Click on one of the links for more information about configuring an MMP with Samsung DSP:

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