MMP Configuration with AppsFlyer
  • 02 Oct 2023
  • 6 Minutes to read
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MMP Configuration with AppsFlyer

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Article summary

This document helps you set up Samsung DSP as an integrated partner with this MMP.

The credit attribution process requires you to define the click/impression tracker within the MMP platform by using macros/parameters that will be interpreted by Samsung DSP. After adding the tracking link to the Creative, you need to create a conversion group to retrieve the postback data for generating reports.

Here are the types of campaigns this MMP can be used for:

  • Mobile - Mobile: This campaign type focuses on mobile advertising, where the attributed event takes place within a mobile app.
  • TV - TV: With this campaign type, you can leverage TV advertising, targeting attributed events within a TV app.
  • TV - Mobile (Cross-Device): This campaign type allows you to run TV advertising campaigns across multiple devices, including TV apps, mobile apps, and web platforms.

Currently, Adjust does not offer support for TV-TV links that are automatically generated within their platform. To address this, we kindly ask you to create a TV-Mobile (Cross-Device) link and reach out to your Account Manager, also known as the Admin, for further guidance on the configuration process.

Set up in AppsFlyer

  1. Add Samsung as an integrated partner by following the procedure described in this section.

    1. Go to Configuration > Active Integrations.
    2. Select Samsung DSP. The Samsung partner integration page displays.
    3. Go to the Integration tab.
    4. Turn on Activate partner.
    5. Turn on View-through attribution.
  2. In the Default postback section, make sure to select This partner only for each event name.

  3. Set up the window time frame for the in-app events postback. See this section for more information.

  4. Click on +Add Event to add in-app events. You can find more information about this in this section or contact the Appsflyer’s team to help you with the mapping.

    1. In the Mapped to partner event drop-down list, select As is.
    2. While not mandatory, in the For Users drop-down list, select All media sources, including organic if you want to use Smart Audiences or Lift reporting in Samsung DSP.
  5. Confirm your changes by clicking on Save Integration.

Define the attribution links

  1. Click on the Attribution link tab.
  2. Select Use a single-platform link for TV-TV or Mobile-Mobile campaign types. Select OneLink for TV - Mobile (Cross-Device) campaign type.
  3. Click on +Add parameter to add the following:
Parameter NameValueDescriptionUse Case (Campaign type)
c__CAMPAIGN_NAME__Campaign name in Samsung DSPAll
af_adset____FLIGHT_NAME__Flight name in Samsung DSPAll
af_ad____CREATIVE_NAME__Creative name in Samsung DSPAll
af_siteid___PUBLISHER_ID__Publisher ID in Samsung DSPAll
af_c_id__CAMPAIGN_ID__Campaign ID in Samsung DSPAll
af_adset_id__FLIGHT_ID__Flight ID in Samsung DSPAll
af_ad_id__CREATIVE_ID__Creative ID in Samsung DSPAll
samsungdsp_creativegroupid__CREATIVE_GROUP_ID__Creative Group ID in Samsung DSPAll
samsungdsp_impression__TXN_ID__Auction IDAll
cost_type__COST_TYPE__The bid cost type (e.g. CPM)All
cost_amount__COST_AMOUNT__The bid cost (e.g. the $1)All
cost_currency__COST_CURRENCY__The bid cost currency (e.g. USD)All
sha1_advertising_id__GAID_ID_SHA1__Hashed Google Advertising IDAll
af_ip__IP__The device’s IPAll
af_ua__USER_AGENT__The device’s user agentAll
af_lang__LANGUAGE__The device’s languageAll
exchange_bid_request_id__EXCHANGE_BID_REQUEST_ID__The SSP/exchange bid request IDAll
adgroup__FLIGHT_ID__Flight ID in Samsung DSPAll
samsungdsp_flightid__FLIGHT_ID__Flight ID in Samsung DSPAll
samsungdsp_bid_request_id__BID_REQUEST_ID__The bid request ID for this impression unique to a single bid requestAll
samsungdsp_impression_id__SPOT_ID__The spot ID for the impression unique to a single spot within a bid requestAll
external_device_idDEVICE_UIDThe unique ID of the deviceTV-TV
gps_adid_lower_sha1__GAID_ID_SHA1__Hashed Google Advertising IDMobile-Mobile
ip_address__IP__IP Address of the DeviceAll
  1. Please ensure that the Retargeting settings toggle is set to OFF. Retargeting is currently not supported on Samsung DSP and may skew the number of installs reported.
  2. Set the maximum time from click to install in the Click-Through Attribution section, and the maximum time from impression to install in the View-Through Attribution section. See this page for more information about lookback window.
  3. Click Save attribution link to be able to copy the link for both click-through and view-through (impression) attribution.

Do not change or add any additional parameters to the click-based or impression-based tracker links, as this can cause tracking and reporting issues. Simply copy the links as-is from the UI.

Examples of tracking links from Adjust

TV-Mobile (Cross-Device)



There is no click tracker for AppsFlyer CTV - Mobile use case.








Grant access

These steps provide access to the Samsung Ads team to view the campaign results.

  1. Click on the Permissions tab.

  2. Follow the steps described in this section:

    1. Enter Samsung DSP team members’ emails to add them as ad network team member.
    2. Except for Use ad spend ingestion, please enable other permissions.

Set up in Samsung DSP

For AppsFlyer Integration, the name of the events must match the value under Partner event identifier under the AppsFlyer In-App events postback section.

  1. In the left menu, click on the Creative icon .
  2. In the Creative Listing page, you can create an Ad Server VAST URL creative by following this procedure, OR click on the Actions button (three dot) of the existing creative and select Edit to add the tracking URLs.
  3. Under the Vast URL Creative section, click on +Add to enable the fields.
  4. Paste the attribution links (i.e., Impression and Click tracker URLs) obtained from the MMP into the appropriate field.

Monitor Performance

To track the conversion data (i.e., attributed data) from the MMP, you need to:

  1. Create and attach a conversion group to the flight containing the creative with MMP tracking links for impression and clicks. See Conversion Group for more information.
  2. Create an Interactive Delivery report by adding the following dimensions and metrics. See Delivery for more details.
DimensionConversion GroupThe name of the conversion group.
DimensionConversion SegmentWhen it comes to MMP conversions, this will be filled with the event names that are sent by the MMP.
DimensionConversion TypeThis will display the event names as MMP_IN_APP, MMP_REVENUE, or MMP_INSTALL
MetricConv. Click ThroughThe number of click-through conversions.
MetricConv. View ThroughThe number of view-through conversions.
MetricConversionsThe total number of conversions. This equals to the sum of the previous two metrics.
MetricConversions CTRClick-through conversion rate.
MetricConversions VTRView-through conversion rate.
MetricSpend to Revenue RatioAdvertiser Spend / Conversion Revenue, otherwise known as RoaS.

These metrics are updated on an hourly basis within Samsung DSP, providing you with a nearly real-time perspective on the performance of your campaigns. This offers unique insights into campaign performance so that you can develop optimization strategies that align with your goals.

In addition to the standard campaign metrics and dimensions, you can calculate various other metrics, such as:

  • The Cost Per Install (CPI) by dividing Advertiser Spend by Install Conversions.
  • The Cost Per in-app event (sessions, video starts, etc.) by dividing Advertiser Spend by In-App Conversions.
  • The Return On Ad Spend (ROAS) by measuring in-app revenue against advertiser spend, and conversion rates.

Furthermore, you can analyze these events in a highly detailed manner, breaking them down by campaign, creative, inventory source or type, TV-Plus channel, and more. This level of granularity allows for a deeper understanding of performance drivers and facilitates targeted optimizations.

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