Maximize Conversions Bid Tactic
  • 14 Mar 2024
  • 8 Minutes to read
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Maximize Conversions Bid Tactic

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Article summary

This bid tactic is specifically designed to work with Drive Engagement campaign type. It is optimized for the following campaign goals:

  • Website Conversion
  • TV App Usage
  • Mobile App Usage
  • The Maximize Conversions bid tactic uses machine learning to drive a higher conversion rate and a reduced average cost per action (eCPA) or average cost per install (eCPI) for website and application usage.
  • eCPA, or effective Cost-Per-Action (or Acquisition) is a reporting metric that reveals the actual cost of an action taken by the user. The action that meets the campaign objective (more subscribers (email signup), increase sales, etc.) is counted as a conversion.
  • eCPI, or effective Cost-Per-Install is a reporting metric that reveals the actual cost of an application installation performed by the user. The action that meets the campaign objective (initial installations (i.e., first time) and re-installations) is counted as a conversion depending on the attribution methodology of the MMP partner.

This bid tactic improves ad effectiveness by responding with a bid proportional to the value of the advertising opportunity.
Based on the Max CPM you set, Samsung DSP determines the best price to win an impression while respecting the campaign budget.

Prerequisites for website conversion

To properly set this bid tactic for website conversion, you must meet these prerequisites:

  1. Create a Standard Segment and implement the tag on the advertiser’s site. See Standard segment for more information about creating and adding the tag to the advertiser’s site.
  2. Create a Conversion Group for a segment data source. See Conversion Group for more information about creating a conversion group. If you already have a Conversion Group, as for the creation, edit the Attribution Strategy section using these parameters for best performance:
    1. Counting behavior: Select One conversion each time tag is called option. Samsung DSP will count a conversion each time a user performs the action meeting the campaign objective (website visit).
    2. Post View Crediting Window (Attribution window): Leave it as is (30 days). Machine learning models require at least 15 days to accumulate sufficient conversion data for developing an efficient strategy.
    3. Post Click Crediting Window: Leave it as is (30 days). This allows the machine learning models to perform efficiently for more rare conversion events such as membership sign-up, purchase, etc. This value has no incidence on Connected TV (CTV) campaigns.
    4. Cross Device Conversions: Tick this checkbox for Connected TV (CTV) campaigns, which include Connected TV + Game Consoles inventory. This will associate impression events in CTV with conversion (segment) events in other devices such as Mobile, PC, etc.
    5. Segments: Add one or more segments. Do not include conflicting segments, for instance new membership and withdrawal, in the same conversion group otherwise, the performance will be significantly compromised.
  3. Attach the Conversion Group you set up above in the Conversion Tracking section of your flight.

Prerequisites for application conversion

To properly set this bid tactic for application conversion, you must meet these prerequisites:

  1. Set up the MMP integration with Samsung DSP. See MMP Integration & Attribution for more information.
  2. Create a Conversion Group for a MMP data source. See Conversion Group for more information about creating a conversion group. If you already have a Conversion Group, as for the creation, edit the Conversion Type section.
    1. In-App: This encompasses any interaction with the app that has been defined by the advertiser as an "event". These interactions can include actions such as app opens, profile setup, video starts, time spent within the app, etc. It is important to note that in-app events do not include revenue-related actions such as purchases.
    2. Install: This refers to any interaction with the app that has been defined by the advertiser as an "event". These interactions can include actions such as app opens, profile setup, video starts, time spent within the app, etc. It is important to note that in-app events do not include revenue-related actions such as purchases.
    3. Revenue: This refers to in-app events that have a monetary value associated with them. Examples of such events include subscription purchases and individual item purchases. Although this option is not supported yet for bid optimization, you can still select it for reporting purposes.
  3. Attach the Conversion Group you set up above in the Conversion Tracking section of your flight.


  • We recommend you set flight duration for at least 4 weeks (8 weeks if possible). The longer the machine learning runs, the better the performance will be, as the algorithm will be tailored based on the flight-specific attributed conversion data.
  • We recommend you monitor conversion volumes throughout the first 14 days of the campaign and extend the attribution window if they are too low. See Delivery for more information.
  • For Shared (Prioritized Impressions) campaigns, we recommend applying this bid tactic to the flight with the highest priority group. The machine learning will then receive enough bid traffic to analyze for increasing conversions.

To ensure the best performance, a minimum attributed conversion volume of 50 unique visitors for website conversions or 500 attributed conversions from MMP partner (for the selected conversion type) and an impression volume of 50,000 impressions is required.

Please keep in mind that an attribution window longer than 30 days might affect the accuracy of the machine learning model.



  1. In the Flight Bid Tactic, select Maximize Conversions.
  2. In the Priority Group (For Shared (Prioritized Impressions) campaigns), enter a number to indicate the importance you place on this flight versus the others. For instance, if you have three flights on a campaign, you might want that this one precedes the others. In this case, you would enter 1 (highest priority) for this one and 2 and 3 for the rest. The number you enter here influences how Samsung DSP will convey bid traffic to this flight -> lower priority flights will leave most impressions to higher priority flights.
  3. In the Conversion Channel drop-down list, select one of the following:
    1. TV: Select this option to maximize conversions for TV app. Please note that this requires the integration with an approved MMP partner.
    2. Mobile: Select this option to maximize conversions for TV app. Please note that this requires the integration with an approved MMP partner.
    3. Web: Select this option to maximize website conversions. Please note that this requires the configuration of a standard segment.
  4. In the Conversion Type drop-down list, select one of the following options:
    1. App-Install: Select this option if you want to track the total number of app installations that have been generated by the campaign. This includes both initial installations (i.e., first time) and re-installations. This option can be combined with the In-App option.
    2. In-App: Select this option if you want to track any interaction with the app that has been defined by the advertiser as an "event". These interactions can include actions such as app opens, profile setup, video starts, time spent within the app, etc. It is important to note that in-app events do not include revenue-related actions such as purchases. This option can be combined with the App-Install option.
    3. Website Conversion/Action: This option is automatically selected if you have chosen Web in the Conversion Channel drop-down list.
  5. In the Max CPM field, we recommend you enter a value between $10 and $40 for optimized results. In this field, you set the maximum average bid amount for 1000 impressions. More specifically, this is the maximum average CPM ("eCPM") Samsung DSP should maintain over the course of the flight.

To avoid profit margin issue, the value you set for Max CPM should not exceed the one set in the CPM Active Margin field in the Margin section.

Changing this value during the flight delivery may affect the eCPM the first 2 days, then Samsung DSP will stabilize it the following days.

Samsung DSP may bid slightly higher than this amount on an individual ad impression, but the eCPM will end at or below this amount by the flight end date.

Additional Limits

Ticking the checkboxes in the Stop when section allows you to set limits at the flight level. Once any of these thresholds is reached, the flight will stop delivering.

  • Impressions reach: You can set an impressions' goal for the flight, and it will affect the pacing, as well as consider the pacing on the budget. You can select a different pacing mode for impressions.
  • Clicks reach: You can set a clicks' goal for the flight, and it will affect the pacing, as well as consider the pacing on the budget. You can select a different pacing mode for clicks.
  • Conversions reach: You can set a conversion reach stop condition. This is a stopping condition only. It will not affect the pacing.
  • Advertiser spend reach: You can set an advertiser spend stop condition. This is a stopping condition only. It will not affect the pacing.

Apply correct inventory

Samsung DSP displays this information panel to ensure that you apply the Maximize Conversions tactic to the correct inventory.

Marketplace TabCreatives Tab
  1. Click on the Marketplace tab.
  2. Click on the checkmark icon to select a deal from the Open market or Direct deals section.
  1. Click on the Creatives tab.
  2. Click on the checkmark icon to select any compatible creatives from the list.

If a combination of supported and unsupported inventory is included, Samsung DSP will return an optimized bid price for the supported inventory while ignoring unsupported inventory for flights configured with the Maximize Conversions bid tactic.

Validate the settings

  • In the bottom right-hand corner, click on Save.

If the flight fails to save, make sure that:

  • A compatible Conversion Group (Segment or MMP) has been associated to the Flight.
  • The correct inventory is being targeted. See Apply correct inventory for more information.

Monitor the performance

In the Flight Listing section on the Campaign Show page, you can check the performance of the flight by reading the data from the ECPA, CONVERSIONS, and CONVERSION RATE columns.

If you don’t see these columns:

  • Above the Actions column, click on the column picker icon and select them in the list.

For granular details, you can use the Delivery report.

  1. Under the Actions column in the Flight Listing section, click on the three dots and select Delivery under the Reports section.
  2. You will be directed to the Delivery - Interactive Report page.
  3. Under the Dimensions & Metrics section, use the search box to build your report using these metrics: Impressions, Conv. View Through, Spend, Conversions VTR, CPA, CPM, etc.
  4. See the Interactive Report section in Delivery for more details.

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