Linear Ads Report
  • 29 Sep 2023
  • 13 Minutes to read
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Linear Ads Report

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Article summary

Follow the instructions in this article to learn how to create, download and interpret a linear ads report.


The Linear Ads report illustrates the reach and frequency of an advertisement exposed to an audience consuming linear content.

Use the insights in the report to adjust your flight targeting settings to reach the underexposed or unexposed audiences while maximizing the profitability of your campaign budget.

Follow the steps described below to create, download and interpret your report.

Create a report

  1. Get started by clicking on the Reports icon on the left-hand navigation section.
  2. Locate the Audiences section and select Linear Ads. The Linear Ads listing screen will be displayed.


Click to display a detailed description of the on screen elements
  • Report name: The name of the report.
  • Requester: The name of the user who created the report.
  • Request date: The date and time at which the report was requested.
  • Status: Indicates the report status. Available = the report is available for viewing. Processing = report is still being processed.
    A Linear Ads report may take anywhere from 20 minutes to 2 hours to generate, depending on the study period and Linear Content selected in the report.
  • Actions: This column contains links for downloading the report.
  1. Click +New Report in the top right hand corner of the screen.

The Linear Ads Report screen will be displayed.

The screen has three panels:

Follow the directions below to complete the panels and run your report.

Report settings

Select a Study period and update your Report name if needed:


  • Study Period: Select a Study Period for the report. The study period consists of a period between the specified start and end dates. Click on the date field and a calendar will appear. Click on a date to start the study period, a date to end the study period, then click on the Apply.

  • Report Name: The report name will auto-populate based on the study period you chose. However, you can modify the report name.

Linear creatives

Select the region and specify parameters to include in your report.


  • Region and Country: select a Region and Country from the drop-down lists.
  • Parameters: Select either one or more Linear Advertiser(s)/Brand(s) (See Selecting a Linear Advertiser or Brand for more details) OR one or more Content ID for a specific linear ad (See Selecting a Content ID for more details).

Linear Advertiser or Brand

  1. Click Add next to Linear Advertiser/Brand. The Select Advertiser/Brand page will appear
  2. Click in the search box. Enter a term in the box to search for both advertisers and brands. You can also select Advertiser or Brand in the search box, then enter the term to search for in the text field displayed under advertiser or brand.A list will be populated displaying the results of your search
  3. Select the appropriate entries in this list, then click Select at the bottom right of the page.

All selected items will now be displayed in the Linear Advertiser/Brand field.

Repeat these steps until you have included all desired advertisers/brands in the report.

Content ID

Pre-requisite: Content ID for the linear ad(s) to be included in the report.

  1. Click Add next to Content ID. The **Select Content ID **page will appear.
  2. Click in the Search by Content ID search box.
  3. Enter the Content ID in the search box and press enter. A list of content IDs will be displayed.
  4. Select the Content ID(s) to include in the report.

The selected item(s) will now be displayed in the Content ID field.

Repeat these steps until you have included all desired content IDs in the report.

Audiences for analysis

Add an audience using one of the following options: Audience List, DMP Audience or by building a custom audience.

Audience list

  1. To add an audience from Audience List, click +Audience List. The Select Your Audience screen will display.
  2. Select the audience(s) you want to include in your report. Use the search function to narrow down the list if needed. Click Import Audience. The audience(s) you have selected will appear in the Audience for Analysis section of the screen.

DMP audience

  1. To add an audience from the DMP, click +DMP Audience. The Select Your DMP Audience screen will display.
  2. Select the audience(s) you want to include in your report. Use the search function to narrow down the list if needed.
  3. Click Import Segment. The audience(s) you have selected will appear in the Audience for Analysis section of the screen.

Custom audience

Custom audience allows you to combine different Audience List and/or DMP Audiences.

  1. To create a custom audience, click +Custom Audience. The Create your custom audience screen will be displayed.
  2. Enter a name for your audience in the name field.

Start by building your audience by including different segments :

Audience list
a) To add an Audience List segment, click +Audience List.
b) Select your audience segment(s) from the list displayed. Use the search field to narrow down your selection if necessary.
c) When you have selected the audience segment(s) you want to include, click Import Audience. Your audience segment(s) will appear on the custom audience screen.

DMP Audience
a) To add a DMP Audience, click +DMP Audience.
b) Select the DMP audience segment(s) you want to include from the list displayed. Use the search field to narrow down your selection if necessary.
c) When you have selected the audience segments you want to include, click Import Segment.

If desired, exclude audience segments following the process described in the steps above.

Click Create Audience to add the custom audience to the report.

Run your report

Review the information you have entered on the panels. If correct, click Run to submit your report.

A message will be displayed to let you know that your report is being processed. You will be returned to the Linear Ads report listing page and your report will appear at the top of the list and will have a status of Processing.

Interpret your report

Find and download your report

On the Linear Ads Report listing page:

  1. Locate the report you want to download by scrolling or using the search field.
  2. Under the Actions column, click the Download icon.

The file will be downloaded to your device.

Report output explanation

The Linear Ads report workbook contains 3 or more worksheets:

  • Linear Ads: This tab shows metrics for Linear Ads based on all TVs in the Samsung Universe that were active during the defined study period
  • Audience for analysis: The Audience for analysis tab is included for each audience that was included in the report definition. The tables and charts on the worksheet are the same as the ones on the linear ads tab but for the selected audience.
  • Ad Metadata: The Ad Metadata tab summarizes metrics for ad content included in the report.
  • Glossary

Linear ads

Reach Among Total Active Universe



  • Universe: This indicates the scope of the report for the current tab.
  • Universe size: The overall size of the selected universe.
  • Total Impressions: The total number of ad impressions for the selected linear content.
  • Total Reach: The total number of unique TVs to have displayed linear ads.
  • Unexposed
  • % of Reached Audience: Total reach / Universe size, expressed as a percentage.
  • Non-linear

Linear Ads Reach by Usage Tier

All TVs with linear viewership of at least 60 seconds are divided into terciles - three groups - by usage, consisting of equal number of TVs based on TV session length. The terciles are Light, Medium and Heavy. TVs that showed linear viewership under 60 seconds are referred to as 'Non-linear'.



  • Linear usage: One row each for Light, Medium, Heavy and Non-linear.
  • Audience size
  • Impressions: The total number of impressions to each tercile group.
  • Reach: The reach for each tercile group.
  • Share of Audience Reached: The number of members of the tercile group actually exposed to the linear content.
  • % of Tercile
  • Exposed to Linear Ads
  • Unexposed
  • Reach % of Universe
  • Average Frequency: The average number of times audience members in each group have been shown linear ads.
  • Time Spent (hours)
  • Share Of Time Spent

Linear Ads Exposure Frequency by Usage Tier

This table illustrates the frequency by linear usage group and the accompanying chart illustrates the same information visually.



  • Frequency: One row each for 1 through 9, then one row each for 10+, 20+, 35+ and 50+ showings. Note that the frequency for the last 4 rows of the table are cumulative, so the “10+” row will also include the impressions in the 20+, 35+ and 50+ rows.
  • Light: Distribution to light linear TV viewers.
  • Medium: Distribution to medium linear TV viewers.
  • Heavy: Distribution to heavy linear TV viewers.

Linear Ads Reach by Usage Tier



  • Linear usage: One row each for Light, Medium, Heavy and Non-linear.
  • Audience size
  • Impressions: The total number of impressions to each tercile group.
  • Reach: The reach for each tercile group.
  • Share of Audience Reached: The number of members of the tercile group actually exposed to the linear content.
  • % of Tercile
  • Exposed to Linear Ads
  • Unexposed
  • Reach % of Universe
  • Average Frequency: The average number of times audience members in each group have been shown linear ads.
  • Time Spent (hours)
  • Share Of Time Spent

Linear Ads Exposure Frequency by Usage Tier

This table illustrates the frequency by linear usage group and the accompanying chart illustrates the same information visually.



  • Frequency: One row each for 1 through 9, then one row each for 10+, 20+, 35+ and 50+ showings. Note that the frequency for the last 4 rows of the table are cumulative, so the “10+” row will also include the impressions in the 20+, 35+ and 50+ rows.
  • Light: Distribution to light linear TV viewers.
  • Medium: Distribution to medium linear TV viewers.
  • Heavy: Distribution to heavy linear TV viewers.

Study Period

By Date



Unique Reach vs Impressions-Daily

  • Date: Date of airing
  • Impressions: Total number of impressions for that date
  • Reach: Total number of TVs within the specified universe that have displayed the linear ads.
  • Unique reach: Unique Samsung TVs reached for the first time during a given time period (day/week/month)
  • Cumulative reach % of universe

By Week



Unique Reach vs Impressions - Weekly

  • Week: The week of airing.
  • Week Start: The start of the week.
  • Week End: The end of the week.
  • Impressions: Number of impressions during the week.
  • Reach: Total number of TVs within the specified universe that have displayed the linear ads.
  • Unique reach: Unique Samsung TVs reached for the first time during a given time period (day/week/month)
  • Cumulative reach % of universe

By Month

  • Month: The month of airing.
  • Month Start: The start date of the month.
  • Month End: The end date of the month.
  • Impressions: Number of impressions during the month.
  • Reach: Total number of TVs within the specified universe that have displayed the linear ads.
  • Unique reach: Unique Samsung TVs reached for the first time during a given time period
  • Cumulative reach % of universe

By Creative

Data in this table illustrates linear ads shown during the study period.

  • Ad Content ID: The specific ad.
  • Advertiser: The advertiser.
  • Brand: The brand being advertised.
  • Ad Title: The title of the ad.
  • Impressions: The total number of impressions for the ad for the study period.
  • Reach: Total number of TVs within the specified universe that have displayed the media during the study period.
  • % Of Universe: Reach / Impressions.

By Network

Network here means individual broadcaster or cable network which showed the ad(s) specified in the report definition.

  • Network: The network.
  • Impressions: Total number of impressions on the network.
  • Reach: Total number of TVs within the specified universe that have displayed linear ads from the specified network during the study period.
  • Average Frequency: The average number of repeat showings of the ad on the network (Impressions / Reach).



The table lists the various markets in which the linear ad(s) in the report definition have been shown.

  • DMA: Designated Market Area
  • Impressions: The number of impressions to universe members in the DMA.
  • Reach: The number of unique devices to which the linear content has been delivered.
  • Average Frequency: The average number of times the linear ad has been displayed to viewers in the DMA.

Ad metadata

The Ad Metadata tab captures the categories of information about the ads that were aired during the study period listed below. Use the information on this tab to confirm that the Linear creatives that the report is based on are the ones that you intended to include in the report.

  • Country: Country the ad was aired in
  • Provider Ad ID
  • Advertiser: Advertiser name
  • Brand: Brand name
  • Language: Language of ad
  • Length: Length of ad in seconds
  • First airing: Date the ad aired for the first time
  • Last airing: Date the ad aired for the last time
  • Title: Title of ad
  • Lead audio: Text of audio
  • Synopsis: Description of the ad

Duplicate your report

Another way to create a new Linear Ads Report is to take an existing report, duplicate it, update the report definition and run it. There are a number of reasons why you may want to do this:

  • to include different audiences for the report
  • to include a different geographical area
  • to reuse a report you found particularly useful and run that report again for a different study period
  • to include brands or advertisers competing with those of a previously-run report

There are two ways to duplicate a linear ads report:

  • Duplicating the Report from the Linear Ads Page: On the Linear Ads page, locate the report you want to duplicate. Click on Duplicate icon at the far right of the page. The Report page will be displayed. Update the settings as needed and click Run.
  • Duplicating the Report from its Report Page: On the Linear Ads page, locate the report you want to duplicate. Click on its name. The Report page will be displayed. Click Duplicate at the top right of the page. Update the settings for your new report as needed and click Run.


Total Active UniverseThe total Samsung TVs that were active (Linear or streaming) during the report study period.
Universe SizeThe number of TVs in the current Universe.
ReachThe count of unique TVs (only Samsung TVs are included)
% of Reached AudienceThe percentage of universe that was exposed to the ad.
Non-linearTVs which did not have linear viewership activity.
Linear Usage Tier (Tercile)All TVs with linear viewership at least 60 seconds are divided into three groups by usage, consisting of equal number of TVs based on TV session length. These are referred to as 'Terciles', and the three terciles are named: Light, Medium and Heavy. TVs that showed linear viewership under 60 seconds are referred to as 'Non-linear'.
Share of Audience ReachedThe size of the tercile group reach divided by the total audience reached.
% of TercileSize of the audience reached by the ad or unexposed to the ad, compared to the entire tercile.
Time SpentThe total time spent (seconds) of TV viewership for that audience.
Share of Time SpentPercentage of that tercile's time spent, compared to the total.
Average FrequencyAverage number of impressions per TV
Unique ReachUnique Samsung TVs reached for the first time during a given time period (day/week/month). E.g. If Tom is exposed to an ad on both 1st January and 2nd January, Tom will show up in the Unique Reach on 1st January only.
Cumulative ReachAggregated number of unique TVs reached during a given time period (day/week/month). E.g. If 4 unique TVs were reached on 1st January and 5 unique TVs were reached on 2nd January, then cumulative reach on 2nd January will be 9 TVs.
Ad Content IDThe unique identifier of a specific ad.
% of UniverseThe number of TVs exposed to the ad divided by total audience.
Audience for AnalysisA subset of the Samsung Universe through which you want to filter the delivery of the linear ad (e.g. a demo audience)

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