Lift report
  • 31 Oct 2023
  • 3 Minutes to read
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Lift report

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Article summary

Follow the instructions in this section to learn about lift, lift reports and best practices to adopt when creating a lift report.


Lift is the difference between the exposed conversion rate and the unexposed conversion rate, expressed as a % against the unexposed conversion rate.

Lift measurements are not created equal and it is important to understand what each one means and how and when to use them before getting started.

The exposed conversion rate is the proportion of conversion audience among those who were reached by the ad, expressed as a % of total reach. the unexposed conversion rate is the proportion of conversion audience among those who were not reached by the ad in the active universe.

Universal lift

Universal lift measures the difference between the exposed and unexposed conversion rates where the unexposed audience is based off the Samsung universe.

In-target lift

In-target lift measures the difference between the exposed and unexposed conversion rates of the target. Unexposed audiences represent those that were in target but unexposed to programmatic campaigns. It is a more meaningful lift measurement than universal lift because unexposed conversion rate is based off the target, not the entire Samsung Universe.

Lift reports

The Lift Report illustrates the effectiveness of Samsung Ads campaigns by measuring the impact on audiences exposed to your Samsung campaigns compared to audiences unexposed to your Samsung campaigns.

  • The Standard Lift Report provides a comparison of your exposed conversion rate against the unexposed Samsung universe (TVs) or a specific audience.

Best practices

For a better experience with Lift Reports, consider the following recommendations:

Work with the campaign attribution window

An attribution window is a period of time in a campaign when an impression can be counted as an instance that leads to an action. Consider the campaign attribution window when generating a report. The attribution window can extend the active period of the campaign.

Whether you define your attribution window in the conversion audience or conversion group, you will get the most accurate conversion count after the attribution window period has concluded. For example, if a campaign ends today and the conversion audience or group has a 14-day attribution window, the campaign still receives attributed conversions for two weeks after the campaign has completed.

Also, to obtain more meaningful results, wait the amount of time specified in the attribution window for the conversion group before generating a Lift report. By delaying report generation for the duration of the attribution window, you ensure that all conversions will be counted. For example, if your campaign runs from July 1 to July 31, and the attribution window defined for the conversion group was 30 days, wait until August 30 to generate a Lift Report.

Work with the Audiences for Analysis feature

Target Lift tells the report what the target audience is. The Lift Report then calculates the end target Lift. The Audiences for Analysis feature helps to identify the audience when creating a targeted campaign.

Provide the TV model year

Because creatives are only eligible for certain years after your TV was first available, specify your TV model year. By supplying a model year, your campaign is more targeted at the audience you want to reach.

For example, if your campaign creative was only eligible to serve on TV models available in 2020 and later, including TV model year criteria for your audience helps ensure the report does not include unexposed conversions for TVs that were not eligible to receive the ads.

Samsung will provide an automated in-target feature enabling user-defined audiences are no longer required in H1. Until then, we recommend use of the current audience feature when a campaign is targeted.

Accommodate target audience exclusions

If no target audience was used for the campaign, then the report should not include target audiences in the Audiences for Analysis.

Avoid target and conversion audience conflicts

Make sure your target and conversion audiences are not in conflict. If the target audience excludes part of the audience criteria for the conversion, the number of conversions that occur will be less.

Provide accurate study periods

Make sure you do not specify a study period where some or all of the period occurs before the campaign begins. A report that evaluates a study period before the campaign will include unexposed conversions that occurred before the campaign began. These pre-campaign conversions are invalid. For example, a tune-in conversion audience with a study period of Sept. 1 - 10 will reveal invalid data if your campaign began at the end of that period, for example, Sept. 8.

Migrate toward conversion groups

Conversion group reports yield a higher Lift value than conversion audience reports. Samsung recommends you migrate to using conversion groups from conversion audiences because they are added to the Demand Side Platform (DSP).

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