Samsung Hosted HTML5
  • 19 Apr 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Samsung Hosted HTML5

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Article summary

If you already have a HTML5 creative ready, see Import HTML5 Creative for more information about importing your file to Samsung DSP.

Samsung DSP allows you to propagate cross-platform ads by using Image (HTML5).

Image (HTML5) unlocks advanced customizations and animations through CSS and JavaScript to create rich media that will increase viewers’ interaction and engagement with your content.

With Image (HTML5),you can create expandable, floating ads (sometimes known as Top-Layer Ads, Over-The-Page or Vokens), and combo units (known as roadblocks, companion units).

This document explains how you can create a HTML5 file by adding trackers and test your creative before importing it into Samsung DSP.

Feature Availability

Some features are not supported yet in every region. Use this table to see if you have access to this feature based on your location.

North AmericaUSA, CA

Click Actions Available**

WebsiteApplicationFull Screen VideoMicrositeVirtual Tune-In

Before Starting

Some information to consider before creating your HTML5 file:

  • CSS animations and transitions development and implementation may differ from one web browser to another. Use services such as or Modernizr to check if the features are available for the targeted browser.
  • Provide a fallback/down-level version or backup image for browsers lacking features required by the ad or if an error occurs. Samsung Ads suggests three techniques to handle the fallback experience:
    • Progressive enhancement: This consists of building an ad to render on all browsers with a basic level of user experience and, where possible, advanced features will be rendered.
    • Graceful degradation: This consists of building an ad to render with advanced features in more modern browsers and, when limited by a browser's capabilities, degrades gracefully and keeps a basic level of user experience.
    • Backup image: A static or slightly animated image is shown to the user.
      All HTML5 feature detection needs to be handled by the ad itself.
  • Check if your CDN is accepted on all inventory you intended to buy/bid on if you don’t plan using Samsung DSP’s to host library and framework code to deliver files. Note that publishers and ad exchanges will still include those files in the final file weight calculation.
  • Be SSL-compliant with RTB/Programmatic exchanges and some publishers: Use either https: for all URLs (example: <script src=""></script>), or have URLs starting with // (example: <script src="//"></script>). Note that the second method will not allow for local ad testing.

Building the HTML5

We have created user guides for the most popular HTML5 authoring tools you can refer to build your file. If you are using a different authoring tool, see Building HTML5 with your authoring tool for more information.

HTML5 Authoring ToolsDocumentation
Adobe AnimateBuilding HTML5 with Adobe Animate
Google Web DesignerBuilding HTML5 with Google Web Designer
Tumult HypeBuilding HTML5 with Tumult Hype

Examples (Output)

BannerBanner.zipdemoSimple 300×250 banner ad with a click.
VideoBanner Video.zipdemoSimple video banner with a click.
FilmstripFilmstrip.zipdemoSimple 300×600 filmstrip ad with a click.
Banner loading an XMLBanner XML.zipdemoSimple 300×250 banner ad that loads an XML file.
Banner with config variablesBanner Configuration Variables.zipdemoSimple 300×250 banner ad that loads config variables from Samsung DSP.


For questions pertaining to HTML5 creative development for delivery via Samsung DSP, contact your Account Manager (i.e., Admin).

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