Flight Creatives
  • 22 Nov 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Flight Creatives

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Article summary

This tab allows you to assign the creatives and/or creative groups that the flights will use to promote your ad.

See Creatives and Creative Group for more information.

When creating or editing a flight, you can save your progress anytime by clicking on Save in the bottom right-hand corner.

Creatives Sub-tabs

This section is divided into two sub-tabs: Creatives and Creative Groups. This will list all creatives and creative groups created for that advertiser.

Use the filter box to easily retrieve the creatives and creative groups with their ID or name.

Additional Settings

  • Configured Languages: If you tick the Target to browsers using the creative's configured language checkbox, Samsung DSP will check the browser’s languages and compare to the creative language (if not set to Any). This means that if you set the creative language to English and you tick this checkbox, Samsung DSP will only show this creative to browsers with English set in their language settings.

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