Flight Bid Loss Reasons
  • 16 Feb 2024
  • 6 Minutes to read
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Flight Bid Loss Reasons

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Article summary

When you launch your flight(s), they must pass through an auction phase, where the highest bidders win the right to display your ads on devices.

The auction phase is conducted at the SSP (or exchange), independent of Samsung DSP, according to your selection within the Open Market or PMP deals.

While bidding price is one of the leading reasons why a flight(s) may not win an impression or deliver your ads, there are other possible factors to consider as well.

In this regard, the Bid Loss Reasons feature helps you discover the causes explaining why your campaign under-delivers or fails at delivering. This is acting as another tool at your disposal to monitor and troubleshoot your campaign.

It provides detailed information on the percentage or volume loss experienced in your flight(s), highlighting the exchange that rejected your bid. Additionally, this feature offers insights into the reason for rejection, such as issues with targeting criteria, bid prices, or creative non-compliance. By understanding the exact reasons for bid losses, you can address these issues and rectify the situation by making necessary adjustments to your flights.

To further assist you, this feature also suggests possible solutions to mitigate bid losses. These solutions may include revising targeting parameters, adjusting bid prices, or modifying creative assets to meet exchange compliance. By implementing these recommended solutions, you can significantly increase the chances of your bids winning and your flights effectively delivering the ads to your targeted audience.

Some considerations to take into account:

  1. Only the following exchanges support this feature: Samsung SSP, AppLovin, BidSwitch, Pubmatic, Xandr, and FreeWheel.
  2. For now, this feature does not support TV Plus direct deals and Samsung Native TV ads.


  1. In the left pane, click Campaigns .
  2. In the Campaign Listing page, click a campaign to access the Flight Listing section.
  3. In the Campaign Show Page, scroll down to the Flight Listing section.
  4. Under the Actions column, click the three dots and select Bid Loss Reasons.



  1. In the Bid Loss Reasons window, you can:
    1. Use the Chosen Flight drop-down list to easily switch between different flights.
    2. Use the Study Period drop-down list to track the performance over the past 7, 14 or 30 days. You can use this option to compare the effectiveness of any adjustments you have made in resolving the causes of bid loss. If a change is made, it takes 2 to 3 hours for it to take effect. As this page shows the total amount, it is possible to see that the reasons for loss do not continue to increase.
    3. Gain access to the bid loss reasons by selecting either the By Reason or By Exchange tabs.

The By Reason presents a list of bid loss reasons in descending order of significance. Similarly, the By Exchange tab prioritizes the exchanges that have contributed the most to bid loss.

In the By Reason tab, you will find the following information:

  • Code and Bid Loss Reason: These reasons (errors) and their corresponding codes are from IAB OpenRTB Project v2.5. which adheres to industry standards. This standardized language and terminology enable the Samsung Support team to effectively communicate with the Exchange. By clicking the arrow, you have access to:
    bid loss reasons expand.png

  • [1] A code number provided to facilitate understanding of the reason for rejection from the exchange. See Code Description for more information.

  • [2] A description of the specific reason for the bid loss.

  • [3] A suggestion and a direct link to the relevant page where you can apply the necessary changes to rectify the situation.

  • [4] A list of the exchange(s) that contributed to the bid loss.

  • Bid Loss Volume and Bid Loss %: These columns provide you with the number of lost bids and the corresponding percentage.

As opposed to the By Reason tab, the By Exchange tab focuses only on the most impactful error that caused the bid loss. The other reasons are just listed along with their associated loss percentages.
If multiple exchanges are involved, click on the arrow to access the explanation and associated solution for these exchanges.

Code Description

Here is the list of codes and their corresponding description:

Error CodeError NameDescription
1Internal ErrorThe exact cause is unknown. An investigation is required with the exchange to identify the root cause.
2Impression Opportunity ExpiredThe impression timed out while being delivered. An investigation is required into timeout issues to improve future performance.
3Invalid Bid ResponseThere's an issue with the bid response. An investigation is required with the exchange to identify the root cause.
4Invalid Deal IDThe Deal ID(s) in the bid response doesn't match the deal(s) in the bid request.
5Invalid Auction IDThe Auction ID(s) in the bid response doesn't match the ID in the bid request.
6Invalid Advertiser DomainThe website address (url) for the advertiser, or declared url ( adomain ), isn't set up correctly or there's an issue with its security certificate.
7Missing MarkupThe creative(s) was not shown because it's missing the necessary ad markup. This could mean missing code or tags required for the ad to properly display and track.
8Missing Creative IDThere was no Creative ID(s) within the bid response. An investigation needs to be complete into the cause for rejection of bids as a result of missing ID(s).
9Missing Bid PriceThe bid either doesn't have a price or the price is set too low.
10Missing Minimum Creative Approval DataThe creative(s) wasn't displayed because it's missing necessary approval data.
100Bid was Below Auction FloorThe bid price is too low for the open market.
101Bid was Below Deal FloorThe bid is below the agreed price for the deal.
102Lost to Higher BidThe bid is being outbid by higher offers.
103Lost to a Bid for a PMP DealThe bid didn't win because it was outbid with a PMP Deal.
104Buyer Seat BlockedThe Buyer Seat may be blocked by the Exchange.
200Creative Filtered - General; reason unknown.There is an error with the flight's creative(s) but the exact cause is unclear. An investigation is required with the exchange.
201Creative Filtered - Pending processing by Exchange (e.g., approval, transcoding, etc.)The creative(s) wasn't shown because the exchange is still reviewing it to make sure it meets all their guidelines.
202Creative Filtered - Disapproved by ExchangeThe creative(s) wasn't shown because the exchange disapproved it, likely due to not meeting their guidelines or requirements.
203Creative Filtered - Size Not AllowedThe creative(s) wasn't shown because its size doesn't match the sizes (width & height) allowed by the exchange.
204Creative Filtered - Incorrect Creative FormatThe creative(s) wasn't displayed because its format doesn't match exchange requirements. This could be related to file type, file size, aspect ratio,and/or duration.
205Creative Filtered - Advertiser ExclusionsThe creative(s) wasn't displayed because the exchange has blocked the advertiser domain, possibly due to policy or conflicts.
206Creative Filtered – App Bundle ExclusionsThe creative(s) was filtered out due to being associated with an app bundle that the exchange has chosen to exclude.
207Creative Filtered - Not SecureThe creative(s) was not displayed because it lacks proper security measures, possibly due to unsecured URLs.
208Creative Filtered - Language ExclusionsThe creative(s) was filtered out due to language issues, possibly not matching the language preferences of the target audience or platform.
209Creative Filtered - Category ExclusionsThe creative(s) falls into a category that has been blocked by the exchange.
210Creative Filtered - Creative Attribute ExclusionsCertain attributes or features of the creative(s) do not match the standards set by the Exchange. This could include size, format, and content.
211Creative Filtered - Ad Type ExclusionsThe type of ad submitted is not accepted by the the exchange.
212Creative Filtered - Animation Too LongThe duration of the animation or the video in your creative(s) exceeds the limit allowed by the exchange.
213Creative Filtered - Not Allowed in PMP DealThe creative(s) associated to a PMP deal exclusive to another advertiser.
≥1000Exchange specific (should be communicated to bidders a priori)These are exchange specific loss reasons.

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