Custom Content
  • 28 Sep 2023
  • 8 Minutes to read
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Custom Content

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Article summary

The Custom Content feature enables Samsung DSP users to onboard their video content (e.g., clips from linear ads) for registration on Samsung’s ACR (Automatic Content Recognition) servers.

This enables monitoring exposure to the custom content as viewed on Samsung TVs. Thereafter, this content can be applied to audience segments to handle a number of use cases, including Reach Extension, Inclusion/Exclusion of audience segments, and incremental reports. Registering custom content via Samsung DSP provides the following advantages:

  • Enhanced data collection, access control, and notifications empowering users to define details such as Advertiser, Brand, Description, and Activation Date along with video playback options and track their registered content accordingly.
  • Overcomes the coverage limitations of the third-party content registration (metadata) providers, whose content may be restricted by region and/or advertiser.
  • Registering the custom content on Samsung DSP enables quicker availability of the registration metadata compared to third-party providers, where the latter may require a few days following the airing of the linear ad. This significantly reduces delays in the availability of the registration metadata and minimizes its impact on reporting.

Samsung DSP now enables users to upload and automatically register custom content on Samsung’s ACR servers without intervention from the Samsung DSP team, with the content being made available for monitoring and targeting within 6 hours of submission. The Custom Content Onboarding Portal provides the following:

  • A very user-friendly platform to register their content and monitor them on Samsung’s ACR servers
  • Significant improvement in the processing time of content registration to 6-8 hrs and supports quicker activation
  • Empowers users to easily build audiences by leveraging onboarded Custom Content for strategies including re-targeting, reach extension, audience segment inclusion/exclusion and complements Samsung DSP’s measurement products.

Feature Availability

Some features are not supported yet in every region. Use this table to see if you have access to this feature based on your location.

AsiaIN, KR
EuropeGB, FR, DE, IT, ES, AT, CH
OceaniaAU, NZ
North AmericaUS, CA
South AmericaBR, MX

If you have already registered your custom content (i.e. you have the ID) go directly to this section Add Custom Content for more information.

Creating Custom Content

  1. In the Navigation Bar, select Audiences.
  2. On the Audiences Listing page, click on +New Custom Content in the upper-right hand corner.
  3. You will then see the following form:
    • Name: Provide a name for the custom content.
    • Advertiser: Select an advertiser from the dropdown list.

The advertiser in this context is the company whose advertising budget is being used to run the linear ad.

This list is specific to Custom Content, and is not taken from the list of advertisers available when setting up a campaign (as seen below):

  • Brand: The Brand can be optionally entered. The brand is a product of the advertiser (e.g., if the advertiser is a car manufacturer, the model being advertised can be entered as the brand.).
  • Country: Select a country from the dropdown list, in which you want the Custom Content registration to be enabled.

The countries listed in the dropdown list are those with their ACR servers. Due to the manner in which the ACR system is set up in EU, all the EU countries are listed in a single option.

  • Activation Date: Select the activation with the date picker and the timezone via the dropdown list. The ACR system will begin monitoring for the registered content after the specified date and timezone.
    • Select the date via the date picker.
    • Specify the timezone from the dropdown list.
  • Description: This is a text field. Optionally, an appropriate description of uploaded video content can be provided here. This may include:
    • Description of people in the video clip
    • Describe the actions performed by the people, and props if applicable
    • Significant voiceovers and their message.
    • Example for the clip below:
      Starts with clips from various games, transitions to the Samsung Gaming Hub splash screen, and then the Samsung Gaming Hub home screen. Home screen has tiles for games and various streaming apps, followed by gameplay clips from various games.Your browser does not support the audio element.
  • Notification: Toggle the switch on to receive email notifications.
    • Custom Content Registration Request Submitted
    • Custom Content Registration Success
    • Custom Content Registration Failure

      The switch is toggled to the ON position in the image above.
  • Video Upload: Drag a file or browse to upload the video file. The video asset must be in MP4 format and no larger than 200 MB. The uploaded video can then be previewed before submitting the content. When successfully uploaded, you will see the following notification at the bottom left-hand corner of the screen:

    The uploaded video can then be previewed by clicking the play button.

It is recommended to preview the uploaded video creative before submitting to ensure that it has been successfully transferred and that it has not been corrupted.

  1. Click the Create button.

Once the custom content has been successfully created, the following confirmation will be displayed. You will be automatically taken to the Custom Content tab.

The Custom Content listing will have the Requester <current_user_name> filter applied by default. This can be removed by clicking the x next to the user’s name.

Checking Existing Custom Content

Uploading the same clip (e.g., by different users under the buyer account) multiple times will result in duplicates (multiple instances of metadata registered for the same content). These duplicates cannot currently be detected by the platform.

Manually Checking for Duplicates

While there is no native method for Samsung DSP to detect duplicates, the user can manually search for them by performing a search with the advertiser name:

Custom Content Listing Tab

Under the Custom Content, the following columns and fields are found:

NAME [1]: The name assigned to the custom content as defined by the user.

CONTENT ID [2]: This is the unique identifier given to the custom content by Samsung DSP.

When Custom Content is created and has its status set to ENQUEUE or PROCESSING, there will be no CONTENT ID assigned to it. The CONTENT ID will only be assigned once its status changes to AVAILABLE.

ADVERTISER [3]: The advertiser name as defined in the Content Creation process.

REQUESTER [4]: The name of the user who submitted the request for the Custom Content.

REQUEST DATE [5]: This is the date the request was created on.

ACTIVATION DATE [6]: This is the activation date assigned at the time of submitting the Custom Content.

STATUS [7]: This is the status for the Custom Content:

  • Enqueue - The content has been submitted and is in the queue to be processed.
  • Processing - The content is being processed.
  • Available - Once the registration is processed and the activation date is either today or earlier, then the CONTENT ID will also be populated.
  • Failed - The system failed to process the custom content.


Filter Items [9]:

The list of Custom Content can be sorted by the following columns in ascending or descending order by clicking the up or down arrows respectively:

  • NAME

Adding Custom Content to Audiences

The registered Custom Content will only be activated once it has been added to an audience segment and cannot be used for monitoring the linear ad impressions prior to it. The resulting segment will include a list of Smart TVs corresponding to the criteria as defined via the procedure described below.

The Custom Content can be searched for by its CONTENT ID, Advertiser, Brand, and Description. To search by the CONTENT ID, it will have to copy from the Custom Content tab as shown below.

You will need to add it to an audience.
If you did not have created an audience yet, see Audiences for more information.

  • On the Add Segments screen, select Custom Content.

  • Study Period: Samsung DSP enables you to build audiences based on a static study period, with pre-defined date ranges (7 days, 30 days, 90 days) or custom ranges. Enter the date range for the study period and click on Apply.


  • Rolling Window: The Rolling window enables the creation of audiences based on a continuously refreshed dataset with respect to the current date, e.g., last 7 days, last 30 days, etc. The rolling window period can be up to a year, defined either in days (1-365) or weeks (1-52), and requires an end date. For the end date, any day between the current date and up to a year ahead may be selected.

  • Use the search bar to find your target custom content by entering its Content ID, Content Name, Advertiser, Brand, or Description.
  • Check the box next to the Custom Content record(s) you wish to add then click on Add Segments.

Data details

  • Data Source: The source of custom content is the creative provided to Samsung Ads for fingerprinting and is identified by the name with which it is uploaded by the Samsung Ads team. To use custom content for audience targeting, the custom content must be uploaded via the Samsung Ads' custom content online portal. Contact your Account Manager (i.e., Admin) to upload a custom fingerprint. See Use Case:Incremental Reach (Linear Reach Extension) for more details regarding the fingerprinting custom content process.
  • Data Scope: Custom content uploads are generally done when ad metadata partners don't provide the content fingerprints or where a potential delay of the availability of the metadata will impact the reporting and visibility of the delivery.
  • Data Calculation: A list of Smart TVs is generated based on their exposure to the specified study period or rolling window as well as the selected custom content ID.
  • Data Availability/delay: Custom content is uploaded by Samsung Ads and can take up to 48 hours thereafter to populate the custom content in the Audience Builder custom content section.

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