  • 23 Aug 2024
  • 5 Minutes to read
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Article summary

A Creative refers to asset(s) that compose your ad. You define how Samsung DSP should render your ad once delivered through Flights.

Samsung DSP currently supports Image, Video, HTML5, and Native Ads creatives.

From this page, you can:

Creative listing

  • In the left panel, click Creatives .

The Creative Listing displays all information related to the creatives added from the buyer's account on Samsung DSP.

  • [1] All (selected by default) will display all the Creative listings under the buyer account. Clicking Selected(number) will display only the selected listings (those with a green check mark next to them[8])

  • [2] Batch Actions will be available when two or more creatives are selected. Available Batch actions are:

    • Assign to Flights (available even if the creatives selected are active and archived)
    • Archive Selected (available if all the selected creatives are active)
    • Restore Selected (available if all the selected creatives are archived)
  • [3] Preview Page previews all selected creatives on a single page. See Creative Preview for more information. The link generated will expire after 7 days.

  • [4] Download CSV file containing information about the selected creatives.

  • [5] Audited on will show which exchanges the creative is audited on for active creatives. The color coding indicates the following:

    • No Icon: No audit requested (checkbox for this exchange was not checked on the Audit option).
    • Grey: Inactive creative from the exchange point of view or waiting for the exchange to acknowledge the audit request.
    • Green: Audited and approved by the exchange.
    • Red: Audited and rejected by the exchange.
    • Orange: Audit requested by the exchange but pending.
  • [6] If a creative is active, a green circle will be displayed on the left of its name. Otherwise, a grey circle is displayed next to the archived creatives.

  • [7] A creative with an eye icon next to its name can be previewed by hovering over the icon.

  • [8] Clicking the check mark (grey by default, meaning it is not selected) will cause the creative to be included in the list of selected creatives and the associated checkmark icon will be green and vice versa.

  • [9] Clicking the three dots under the Actions column provides the following options:

    • Edit: This allows you to update the fields you set when creating the Creative. See Edit a creative for more information.
    • Details: This option provides details of the creative. See View creative details for more information.
    • Duplicate: This option creates one or more copies of the creative with all the details. See Creative Duplication for more information.
    • Share Public Url: This option generates a public URL that can be shared without requiring any credentials and can be used as such for preview purposes. The link generated will expire after 7 days.
    • Delivery Report: This option shows an interactive delivery report. See Monitor creative performance for more information.
    • Real-Time Delivery Report: This option shows a real-time delivery report. See Monitor creative performance for more information.
    • Reaudit on DoubleClick: This option puts the creative back in the queue for audit on the DoubleClick exchange.
    • Reaudit on AppNexus: This option puts the creative back in the queue for audit on the AppNexus exchange.
    • Reaudit on FreeWheel: This option puts the creative back in the queue for audit on the FreeWheel exchange.
    • Archive:This option is available only when active creatives are selected. Archiving a creative removes it from the default listings and ensures that the creative is no longer running.
    • Restore: This option is available only when archived creatives are selected. Restoring reactivates and puts back a creative to the default listings.

Create a creative

Make sure to add creatives under the correct Advertiser name, otherwise you won’t be able to assign them to the corresponding campaigns.

Creatives can be added to the platform without assigning them to a campaign beforehand.

  • In the upper right-hand corner, click +New Creative and select one of the creative types in the list.

If you are unsure which creative option to choose from the drop-down list, we recommend selecting All Formats Discovery for a comprehensive selection.

This page compiles creatives into their respective categories and offers a detailed description with associated mock-up once selected. Click Select in the bottom right-hand corner to confirm.

Before SelectionAfter Selection
Connected TV (CTV) / Online Video (OLV)
Samsung TV Native

View creative details

  • On the Creative Listing page, click the Creative name (hyperlink).

The Creative Details page provides some basic information about the creative, the history of changes and in which campaign(s), flight(s), and creative group(s) this creative is attached to.

Below the creative name, you can click the down arrow to access the Edit page. If your creative belongs to a creative group, a breadcrumb will appear so that you can easily navigate from the creative details page to its creative group details or edit page.

The Creative Details page is composed of three sections:

  • Info displays general information regarding the creative.
  • Usage reveals the campaigns and flights the creative is currently linked to.
  • History tracks any changes made to the creative, which could be either sending it for audit (blue circle), updates made (yellow circle), date of creation (green circle) and rejection of your audit request (red circle).

Edit a creative

The Creative Edit page provides the same options that were entered when adding the creative. However, the Advertiser field cannot be changed. A creative can be edited as follows:

From the Creative Listing page:

  • Under the Actions column, click the three dots and select Edit.

From the Creative Details page:

  1. On the Creative Listing page, click the Creative name (hyperlink).
  2. In the upper right-hand corner, click Edit.


  1. On the Creative Listing page, click the Creative name (hyperlink).
  2. Under the creative name, click the down arrow next to Creative Details - [CREATIVE TYPE] and select Creative Edit - [CREATIVE NAME].

Monitor creative performance

This section explains how you can get access to the Interactive and Real-Time reports attesting to the effectiveness of your creatives.

Interactive ReportReal-Time Report
1. In the upper right-hand corner, click the three dots and select Delivery under the Reports section.
1. In the upper right-hand corner, click the three dots and select Delivery under the Real-Time Reports section.
2. You will be directed to the Delivery - Interactive report page.
2. You will be directed to the Delivery - Real Time report page.
3. See Delivery for more information about the Interactive Report.3. See Delivery for more information about the Real Time Report.

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