Creative Batch Actions
  • 16 Apr 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Creative Batch Actions

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Article summary

The Batch Actions feature lets you apply one or more parameters in batches to different elements, rather than individually, to perform repetitive tasks more efficiently.

By default, the Batch Actions button is grayed out. To enable this feature, you need to pick at least two items in the list.

The Batch Actions drop-down lists are contextual menus available for Creatives, Campaign Groups, Campaigns, and Flights.

  • On the Creatives page, select at least two creatives having the same advertiser and click Batch Actions.
    • Assign to Flights: Clicking on this option will direct you to the New Batch Assignment page.
    • Archive Selected: Use this option if you want to archive active Creatives.

Archive Selected will be replaced by Restore Selected if the selected Creatives are inactive. The selected items for these options must share the same state, either Active (Setup or Ready) or Archived.

New Batch Assignment (Assign to Flights)

  • Batch operation name: You can leave this field as is or enter a new description for the batch operation.

Search Flights Within [Advertiser]

  • Choose action: This drop-down list lets you choose the action to perform regarding the Creatives you picked from the list.
    • Add to existing: This will add the selected Creatives to those existing already in a Flight.
    • Replace: This will replace the existing creatives in a Flight with the one you selected (i.e. the one listed in the Selected Creatives section.
    • Remove: This will remove the selected Creatives from the Flight you pick from the list.
  • Tick the Flight(s) on which you want to apply these changes, then click on Confirm Changes to validate.

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