  • 10 Apr 2024
  • 5 Minutes to read
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Article summary

Audiences are created through Samsung DSP’s Audience Builder (AB) which allows you to create audiences from data collected on Samsung devices.

Although Audience Builder can collect data from different data sources, the creation of an audience requires aggregating data related to the content consumed by a Samsung TV.

The accumulation of Samsung TV IDs consuming or being exposed to a specific type of content creates a list of categories called Segments.
You can then combine those different segments in order to build audiences for targeting in campaigns.

  • Audience Builder gathers data in a privacy-compliant way while taking into consideration user consent.
  • Some Audience Builder segments may not be available for now based on your region/country.

Data Sources

Audience Builder collects data from the following sources:

Samsung TVs

  • Samsung’s Automatic Content Recognition (ACR) technology monitors content consumption on Samsung TVs and identifies what viewers are watching on their TV on a regular basis. This ACR technology powers data collection for Linear TV, Linear Ads, Video Games, and Video on Demand.
  • This ACR technology uses machine learning technologies to match the content being watched on TV screens against a library of video clips for various content provided by partners like Numerator, Nielsen (Linear Ads), Gracenote (Linear TV, Video on Demand), and Gameopedia (Video Games).
  • The ACR technology also identifies the HDMI connections and provides information about the Samsung TV model and year through ad request data, and App Engagement.
  • Additionally, Samsung TV’s operating software provides data about TV App Launches and Samsung TV Plus content consumption.

Samsung DSP

  • Samsung DSP provides data about campaign website pixel exposures which can be used by users for building associated Samsung TV audiences in Audience Builder.

Samsung Mobile

  • Samsung Mobile provides data about App Launch and App categories which can be used by users for building associated Samsung TV audiences in Audience Builder.

Audience Listing Page

  • In the left panel, click Audiences.

Description of the columns

  • Name: This column displays the name you enter when creating an audience.
  • Requester: This column displays the user’s name who created an audience.
  • Audience Creation: This column indicates the date and time when an audience was created.
  • Status: This column gives you the status progress related to an audience creation process.
    • Processing: This means that Samsung DSP is currently compiling the data to create an audience.
    • Available: This means that Samsung DSP finished generating an audience.

Audiences updated either manually or from overnight reprocessing that exceed time requirements of the service level agreement still display as Available in the Status column (unless a non-time violation error occurs). Audience Builder resolves time requirement violations without user intervention.

  • Smart TV List ID: This column displays the ID number associated with an audience.
  • Smart TV List Last Updated: This column indicates the last time an audience has been edited.

An orange triangle icon may appear in this column next to the timestamp. This icon indicates that exceeded processing time (violating the limit identified in your service level agreement) will not impact the status of audience processing.

If you hover over the triangle, the following note displays:


  • Estimated Count: This column shows the size of the audience, i.e., the number of devices that will be targeted by a campaign.
  • Actions: The three dots allows you to edit, duplicate or archive an audience. See Duplicating an Audience and Archiving an Audience respectively for more details.

Creating an audience

  • In the upper right-hand corner, click +New Audience.

The Audience Builder form lets you view the definition of your audience based on the inclusion or exclusion of segments. It allows you to perform logical operations (AND/OR) to get the intersection (elements common to both segments) and union (all the elements found in either segment) of segments.

Description of the page

  • Name: Enter the name of the Audience you want to create.

For operational efficiency, you should use the following nomenclature to ensure standardization and ease of use by cross-functional teams:
Advertiser name – Opportunity Name – Segment Description
For example: “VH1 – RuPaul Celebrity Drag Race - Proxy Show List OR WOWPresents Plus OR vMVPD Total Audience”

  • Include Segments: Segments to include in your Audience.
  • AND/OR: For determining the relationship between the segments or groups of segments.
  • Exclude Segments: Segments to exclude from your Audience.

Exclude will take precedence and override any selections in the included segment options

  • Audience breakdown: Click on the Refresh* icon next to _Audience breakdown to obtain/update the breakdown of audience statistics per channel. See Initiate Size per Segment.

Adding Segments

  • Click +Add segments to start building your audience.
  • In the drop-down list, select the country of origin for the data in the segment and click on Apply.
  • In the left pane, select the segment type you'd like to include in your audience.
  • Use the fields on the right side to define the segments.

Audience Builder Segments

If this feature is not available in your Audience Builder, please contact your Account Manager (i.e., Admin).

See Audience Segments for more information.

Initiate Size per Segment

Size per segment calculates the size of individual segments associated with your audience. This feature helps you understand the contribution made by individual segments to an audience and allows you to make additions/deletions to an audience based on that information.

  • Open either an existing audience, or a new audience containing segments.
  • Click Please Refresh to get accurate sizes for individual segments (or click the refresh icon) in the Audience breakdown information panel.
  • Review the Individual Segment counts

Error Handling

  • Audiences containing many segments (100+) might produce an error message asking you to refresh. You can:
  • Refresh specific segments individually
  • Click Please Refresh
  • Click the Audience Breakdown refresh icon

Duplicating an Audience

By duplicating an existing audience, you can quickly create a new audience without the overhead of filling all the required fields individually. Once a duplicate audience is created, the settings can thereafter be adjusted as required.

This is ideal when comparing audiences by geographic locations or study periods.

From the Audiences Listing page:

  • Under the Actions column, click on the three dots and select Duplicate.

You will be directed to the Audience creation page and the mention “copy” will be added in the Audience Name field.

  • Edit this duplicated audience by including/excluding segments and changing their parameters using the Audience Builder.
  • Once finished, click on Duplicate Audience in the lower right-hand corner to confirm.

Archiving an Audience

This option enables the removal of audiences that are no longer required from the list of active audiences.

  • Under the Actions column, click on the three dots and select Archive.

If you need to get access to the archived audiences:

  • Next to the column icon, click on State Active and select Archived in the list.

Using Batch Action

See Audience Segments Batch Action for more details.

Creating an audience report

See Viewership Report: Cast for more details.

Creating a Custom Content

See Custom Content for more details.

Refining an audience

See Audience Refinement for more details.

Profiling an audience

See Audience Profiling for more details.

Combining audiences

See Audience Combination for more details.

Creating a conversion audience

See Conversion Audiences for Lift Reports for more details.

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