Audience Solutions
  • 12 Jul 2024
  • 9 Minutes to read
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Audience Solutions

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Article summary

The Audience Solutions tool enables you to closely define your audience by using Boolean operator functions to add (AND), make distinct (OR), and exclude (NOT) a segment. A segment is a set of users exhibiting a specific behavior.

Specifically, it allows you to mix and match Samsung proprietary data with first and third party segments to obtain a unique reach without migrating into a flight. It also allows you to create an audience that you can save for future use to provide accurate forecasting.

Audience Solutions is integrated with the following Samsung DSP audience environments:

  • Audience Builder enabling an integrated audience creation experience.
  • Off the Shelf (OTS) enabling convenient use of prebuilt audiences.
  • Audience Insights enabling a quick view of reach and CPM data.

The Audience Solutions tool contains sources that are types of segments from where data is being provided. The following sources are available.

  • Samsung TV / Mobiles - A replica of the current Audience Builder audiences from Samsung's own data. Includes Samsung's ACR and Mobile data.

  • Advertiser 1st Party - Your own segments sent via a Data Management Platform integration. DMP 1st party audiences data is sourced through integrations like Liveramp. Narrow down the list of audiences to choose from by filtering by vendor or by searching for an audience name.

  • 3rd Party - 3rd party data are segments based on 3P data providers like Experian, Axciom, Polk, and Epsilon. Narrow down the list of audiences to choose from by filtering by vendor or by searching for an audience name.

  • Samsung off-the-shelf - Off-the-shelf curated Samsung segments created by the Analytics teams.

  • Saved Audiences - Audiences previously created in the Audience Solutions tool.

  • Smart Audience - Smart Audiences previously created in Audience Builder.

The Audience Solutions tool enables the following benefits to audience creation. You can:

  • browse all the Samsung proprietary data and 1P/3P segments available in the system
  • mix and match Samsung proprietary data with 1P/3P segments and create audiences of it
  • check for unique audience reach and understand associated data costs
  • retrieve historical audiences and edit and modify them
  • activate audiences for targeting

Build an audience solution

To create an audience, perform the following steps:

  1. From the Audiences page, click Audience Solutions. The Audience Solutions audience list displays.


The list displays existing audiences with the associated columns of information:

  • Audience ID - A numeric value that identifies the audience.
  • Requester - The name of the person who created the audience.
  • Estimated Count - The number of impressions recorded for the audience.
  • Audience Creation - The date the audience was created.
  • Data Cost - The cost per thousand impressions, the number of times the ad was seen by a viewer.
  • Actions - A column that contains a list of other tasks you can perform. Currently, the edit audience action is the only task available.
  1. Click New Audience. The New Audience - Audience Solutions window displays.
  2. In the Name field, type a name for the audience.
  3. Click Add Segment. The Add Segments window displays.

5. In the Audience Country list, select the country that applies to the audience solution.
6. In the Sources list to the left, click a source type which specifies the segment type, for example "3rd Party". A series of the selected source item displays in the list.

Sources List.png

  1. In the Segments list, click a segment or multiple segments you want to be part of the audience solution.
  2. Click Add Segments to begin creating an audience (a collection of segments).

A new Audience Builder audience initially displays in a processing state in the Samsung TV/Mobiles section of the Add Segments window. While in this state, it cannot be used to forecast. Note the value in the Devices column initially remains unchanged. An hour after the Audience Builder audience is created, the value in the Devices column becomes current and can be used to run forecasts.

Advertiser 1st and 3rd party audiences are exceptions to this delay. These audiences are automatically activated with current device counts which can be used to forecast at the time of their creation.

The window displays an expanded segment list, with the ability to group and ungroup multiple segments for inclusion or exclusion.

It also displays three Boolean operator buttons in the upper left: AND, OR, and NOT. You can use the three operator buttons to create additive (AND), exclusive (OR), and excluded (NOT) items in your segment list.


Note the following functions you can use across the top of the page:

  • AND - Aggregates selected segments, where each included segment is a required condition for the audience.
  • OR - Makes each selected segment a distinct condition for the audience, where each item is at the exclusion of the other.
  • NOT - Excludes the selected segments as a condition for the audience.
  • Group - Batches all selected segments into a bundle to which a Boolean function can apply.
  • Ungroup - Removes the batching from a bundle of segments so that the individual segments are separated from a bundle.
  • Delete - Removes the selected segment from the audience.
  • Hide/Show - A toggle that initially displays as Hide lightening the color of the segment, hiding it and excluding the segment from Overall Reach and Total CPM Fee total. Once hidden, the button changes to Show which reverts the segment to a darkened color, making it unhidden.

Note the Audience Insights column in the far right of the window. It contains two pieces of data:

  • Overall Reach - Unique number of devices in the selected Audience - A list of distinct devices included in the audience.
  • Total CPM Fee - The Total CPM Fee which is the maximum fee you would pay for an impression.

Mix and match an audience

To create an audience, select the nodes you want to include and use the Boolean buttons to create conditions for how you want them included, either as logical "ands" (aggregated), "ors" (exclusive), or "nots" (excluded). Use the Group and Ungroup buttons to batch or un-batch the items. When grouping items, make sure you create a name for the group in the text box that appears above the items.

Create the audience

When you have made your selections, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Audience Insights area to the upper right of the New Audience - Audience Solutions screen, click the refresh button to display several projected details.


Details displayed are:

  • Overall Reach - The projected overall reach of the audience represented as a Tizen Identifier for Advertising (TIFA) value.
  • Samsung TV - The projected number of Samsung TVs of the audience represented as a TIFA value.
  • Data CPM Fee - Cost Per Mille (CPM) value, a pricing metric used to measure the total cost of an ad for every 1,000 impressions it receives.
  1. Click Create Audience. If the audience solution was successfully created, DSP displays the message:


Edit the audience

Once you have created the audience, you may want to add, remove, group, or ungroup items in it. To change attributes in the audience, perform the following steps:

  1. In the Audience Solutions list, click the existing audience to which you want to make changes. You can also click the three dots (...) in the Actions column and click Edit. The New Audience Solution window displays.
  2. Edit the audience (for example, group several items).
  3. Click Update Audience. The Audience Solutions list displays.

Targeting the audience

Once you have created an audience, make it relevant by more closely defining or targeting the audience in a flight.

To target the audience, perform the following steps:

  1. From Campaigns, click a campaign in the campaign list. The campaign details window displays with a list of existing flights mapped to the campaign.
  2. Click an existing flight in the list (or create a new flight) in the Flights section at the bottom of the screen. The Flight details screen for the selected flight displays.
  3. From the tabs at the top of the page, click the Audiences tab. The Audience Solutions list displays.
  4. In the Audience Solutions list, identify an audience you want to target.
  5. If you want to change attributes in the targeted audience, click it to open the Audience Solutions details window and make the change. A change you might want to make is how the segments are grouped.
  6. Once you are satisfied with the changes to the audience, click Update Audience. The Audience Solutions list displays. To see the updated Overall Reach and Total CPM Fee, click the browser's refresh button.
  7. In the Audience Solutions list, click the audience you want to target by placing a check mark to the left of it.
  8. Click Save.
  9. Click Save & Launch to save the targeted audience. The system displays a message: Successfully saved but could not launch flight.

View a history of activity

You can view a history of activity that has occurred pertaining to your audience, for example, audience changes or removals. For example, if you added a Boolean expression to an audience solution. Details of activity include reach over time graph and when an audience was added to a flight or removed.

To view a history of Audience Solutions activity, perform the following steps:

  1. On the left hand navigation panel, select Audiences. The **Audiences **submenu will be displayed.

  2. Select Audience Solutions. The Audience Solutions page will be displayed.

  3. In the list, double click an audience solution item. The audience solution you selected will display.

  4. Click the horizontal ellipsis in the upper righthand corner of the Audience Solutions screen. A menu displays.

  5. Click History.

The "History Reach Over Time" graph will display.

The results can be displayed in two view types:

  • a bar chart view with discrete bars of varying types that show audience levels day over day. The default type. To launch the bar chart view, click the bar chart icon (bars of different height). The bar chart view is shown above. The height of the bars shows the amount of viewers in raw figures (not percent) that the content has reached on a given day.

History Reach Over Time.png

  • a connected histogram view that shows a continuous line that shows audience levels day over day. The point where the lines occur in the graph shows the amount of viewers in raw figures (not percent that the content has reached on a given day.
    Note the Audience Type label at the bottom center of the screen. This label indicates the type of media for which the audience is being measured.

Study period

The Study Period area is at the upper right of the History Reach Over Time screen. It appears with a calendar icon to the left. Click the calendar icon to launch the study period selection area.
The study period consists of a period between the specified. Samsung DSP enables you to build audiences based on a static study period, with pre-defined date ranges (7 days, 30 days, 90 days) or custom ranges. Enter the date range for the study period and click on Apply. You can select a study period from the past or one for the future. If you select a study period in the future, the Streaming Ads audience will refresh every two days until the study period expires.

Samsung recommends you select end dates until the Audience Solutions period end date is reached to ensure the audience refreshes as long as the period is active.

View audience usage

The Audience Usage region provides details about an event when the audience being measured is attached to or removed from a flight. The Audience Usage region displays the name of the flight and the ID number associated with it.

View history log

The History Log region provides a list of logs that provide granular details and changes made to the audience. Information includes audience creation date, and modifications such as additions, removals or duplications, and adjustments to boolean expressions to the Audience Solution.

History Log.png

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