Apply Filters
  • 31 Jan 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Apply Filters

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Article summary

Apply filters

Filters provide the ability to include or exclude users of the apps you select.

  • + App - a campaign targeted at new users adding the app you are attempting to optimize, and excluding its present users, for example.
  1. In the Filters section, click + App.


  1. In the left drop-down menu, select an app from the list.

  2. Choose a launch option.

      a. Not Launched Within/Launched Within (a certain amount of days)
      b. Select the number of days. - Select the number of days.

  • TV Model** - You can also target TV models by year.
  1. Click the down arrow to reveal the TV Model selection menu.

  2. Use the checkboxes to choose TV Model year from the drop-down menu.
    Your TV Model selections will appear in the TV Model filters section.

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