1st Screen (2016 - 2021)
  • 30 May 2024
  • 7 Minutes to read
  • Dark

1st Screen (2016 - 2021)

  • Dark

Article summary

If you are interested in adding this feature, please contact your Account Manager, i.e., Admin.
Please note that this creative is applicable to 2016-2021 Samsung TV models.

Feature Availability

Some features are not supported yet in every region. Use this table to see if you have access to this feature based on your location.

AmericasUS, CA, BR, MX
Asia–Pacific (APAC)AU, NZ, TH, MY, SG, VN, ID, PH, IN, KR
European UnionUK, FR, DE, IT, ES, AT, CH, NL, BE, SE, FI, NO, DK, IE, RO, CZE, SK, PL, HU

General Settings

  • Name: Enter a name for the creative.
  • Advertiser: Enter an advertiser’s name or select an advertiser from the drop-down list.
  • Language: Enter a language or select one from the drop-down list. Available languages are Chinese, Danish, English, Finnish, French, Norwegian, Spanish, and Swedish. At the flight level, further restrictions can be applied to only deliver the impressions of the creative to browsers that have the same language in their setting. If Any is selected for language, this will have no effect.
  • External Label: This is a free-form section and can be left blank. An external label can be provided to facilitate reporting across different systems. After impressions have been delivered, reports pivoted around this field can be pulled from the Delivery extract reports.

Additional Information For Political Creative

This section appears only for Political Advertisers. See Advertisers for more information.


  • US State(s): Tick the checkboxes in the drop-down list to select the state(s) targeted by this the ad.
  • Name of Candidate or Ballot #: Enter the candidate's name or ballot number to identify voters.
  • Name of Committee: Enter the name of the primary campaign committee and any other authorized committee that includes the candidate's name.
  • Committee Identification Number : Enter the committee identification number provided by the Federal Election Commission (FEC). If you don't have this number, click the slider to disable this field.
  • Contact information of the Committee or individual paying for the ad: Provide the necessary information about the committee or the individual submitting the ad. This may include a valid driver's license, or other identification card issued by a government agency of the Commonwealth, any of its political subdivisions or the United States. You may also provide a phone number that allows the person responsible for accepting the ad to contact the person and verify/validate the accuracy of the identification details before running the advertisement.
  • Treasurer of the Political Committee: Enter the name of the person who has signed and dated at the bottom of the Statement of Organization document.
  • Target Audience Description: You can provide details of the audience who will receive the ad on their screen.

Launcher Tile

Click on the question mark icon to visualize the preview of this tile on TV screen.

  • Launcher tile name: Enter a name for the Launcher tile
  • Launcher tile image: Drag or Browse the local machine to upload the image asset. Required dimensions are 480x720 px.
  • Trackers: The following trackers can be optionally added by clicking the _+Add _button next to them. A field will be generated, where the appropriate URL can be entered.
    • Impression trackers
    • Click trackers

A second tracker of any type can be added by clicking the +Add button. Clicking the X at the right of the generated field will remove that tracker.

Preview Tiles

You can add 1 Extra Wide (1840x320), 2 Wide (960x270), 3 Rectangle Static (480x270), 1 Rectangle Auto Play Video (480x270), 3 Medium Rectangle (300x250) tiles. You can also mix and match multiple tile sizes, except for the Extra Wide (1840x320) which can only be alone. You need to have at least 1 tile.

You can also choose the order of the tiles by dragging the tiles icon. However, note that if you include a Rectangle Auto Play Video (480x270) tile, it needs to be first on the list.

Click on the question mark icon to visualize the preview of this tile on TV screen.

  • Preview tile name: Enter the name for the preview tile.
  • Preview tile size: Select the tile size from the dropdown.
    Supported tile sizes are:
    • Extra Wide (1840x320)
    • Wide (960x270)
    • Rectangle Static (480x270)
    • Rectangle Auto Play Video (480x270)
    • Medium Rectangle (300x250)
  • Preview tile image: Upload the image asset by dragging it or by browsing for it on the local machine.
  • Autoplay video (required for Rectangle Auto Play Video (480x270)): Upload the image asset by dragging it or by browsing for it on the local machine.
  • Ad title: Select an Ad title from the dropdown.
    The available options are:
    • Create your own title
      • Selecting this option will show a new field where you can type your own title. 25 characters maximum, including spaces.
    • VIDEO (this is a heading, not a selectable option)
      • Upcoming Shows
      • Watch Trailer
      • Watch Now
    • WEB & APP (this is another head, not a selectable option)
      • Explore More
      • Learn More
      • More for You
      • Open App
      • See More
      • Start Your Free Trial
  • Trackers: The following trackers can be optionally added by clicking the +Add button next to them. A field will be generated, where the appropriate URL can be entered.
    • Impression trackers
    • Click trackers

A second tracker of any type can be added by clicking the +Add button. Clicking the X at the right of the generated field will remove that tracker.

Click Action

The following click actions are supported and can be selected from the drop-down list.


Since Samsung TV's web browser capabilities depend on the version of Tizen, the latest HTML/CSS/Javascript features you use on your website may not be supported.
We highly recommend that you read the Website rendering on Samsung TVs article to optimize your website and avoid a poor user experience for viewers.

This action will open the Samsung TV’s internal browser and browse to the specified URL.

  • Website URL: Enter the URL that the user will be taken to on clicking the ad.


This action will open the specified application if it is already installed on the TV.
Otherwise, the user will be redirected to the download page for the specified application in the App Store.
Optionally, it can go to a specific in-app location.

  • Country: Type or select the country from the drop-down list. This specifies the country where you want the application click action to function as specified.

Selecting a country will specify which country you wish to enable the click action as described. This will ensure that the applications from the respective drop-down list are available in the selected country. This also ensures that when multiple applications have the same name in different countries, then App ID available in the selected country will populate the applications list. However, selecting the country will not restrict all impressions to the selected country.

  • App name: Type or select the application name from the drop-down list.
  • Deep link string: An optional deep link string can be provided to access a specific in-app location.

Full-Screen Video

This action will play a video in full-screen mode.

  • Video title: Enter a title for the video. Maximum of 25 characters, including spaces.
  • Video description: Enter a description for the video. Maximum of 40 characters, including spaces.
  • Video file: Drag the video file or browse the local machine to upload the video asset.
  • Video third-party trackers: Tracker URLs can optionally be added for the following progress points and actions. A field will be generated for each of the selected trackers. Enter the respective URLs in these fields.
  • End card image size: Select the End Card image size from the drop-down list. Available options are Medium Rectangle (300x250px) and Rectangle (480x270px).
  • End card image file: Drag and drop or browse the local machine for the End Card image asset.
  • End card message: If this field is available for the creative type, an optional message can be entered in this field.
  • End card action: Select the click action for the End Card from the drop-down list.


This action will open a custom browser in full-screen mode to the specified microsite.

  • Microsite URL: Enter the microsite URL that the user will be taken to on clicking the ad.

  • Country: If your microsite contains buttons to open an app (one or more), select the country from the drop-down list. By selecting the country name, you are specifying where you wish to enable interaction with the apps via the microsite.

  • App names: If your microsite contains buttons to open one or more apps, select all these apps from the drop-down list.

Virtual Tune-In

This action will open the Samsung TV Plus application and open the specified channel.

  • Provider ID: Enter the Provider ID of the Samsung TV Plus channel you want to direct the user to.
  • Service ID: Enter the Service ID of the Samsung TV Plus channel you want to direct the user to.

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